use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Module::Build;
use Config;
(my $mbv = Module::Build->VERSION) =~ s/_//g;
my %args = (
dist_author => 'Tom Wyant (wyant at cpan dot org)',
dist_abstract => q{Tom Wyant's preferred modules},
module_name => 'Task::Tom',
build_requires => {
requires => {
'App::Ack' => 0,
'App::Perldoc::Search' => 0,
'Archive::Tar' => 0,
'Astro::Coord::ECI' => 0,
'Astro::SIMBAD::Client' => 0,
'Astro::SpaceTrack' => 0,
'Astro::UTDF' => 0,
'CGI' => 0,
'CGI::Carp' => 0,
'CGI::Pretty' => 0,
'CPAN' => 0,
'CPANDB' => 0,
'Carp' => 0,
'Carp::Heavy' => 0,
# 'Clipboard' => 0,
'Config' => 0,
'Config::Tiny' => 0,
'Cwd' => 0,
'DBI' => 0,
'Data::Dumper' => 0,
'Date::Manip' => 0,
'Date::Tolkien::Shire' => 0,
'Devel::Symdump' => 0,
'Digest::MD5' => 0,
'Digest::SHA1' => 0,
'Encode' => 0,
'Encode::RAD50' => 0,
'English' => 0,
'ExtUtils::Installed' => 0,
'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => 0,
'ExtUtils::Manifest' => 0,
'File::Basename' => 0,
'File::Copy' => 0,
'File::Find' => 0,
'File::Glob' => 0,
'File::HomeDir' => 0,
'File::Path' => 0,
'File::Remove' => 0,
'File::Spec' => 0,
'File::Temp' => 0,
'FileHandle' => 0,
'Games::Sudoku::General' => 0,
'Geo::Coder::Geocoder::US' => 0,
'Geo::Coder::OSM' => 0,
'Geo::Coder::TomTom' => 0,
'Geo::WebService::Elevation::USGS' => 0,
'Getopt::Long' => 2.33,
'HTML::Entities' => 0,
'HTML::Parser' => 0,
'HTML::TableContentParser' => 0,
'HTML::TokeParser' => 0,
'HTTP::Daemon' => 0,
'HTTP::Response' => 0,
'Hash::Util::FieldHash' => 0,
'IO::Dir' => 0,
'IO::File' => 0,
'IO::Handle' => 0,
'IO::Zlib' => 0,
'IPC::System::Simple' => 0,
'LWP::Simple' => 0,
'LWP::UserAgent' => 0,
'List::MoreUtils' => 0,
'List::Util' => 0,
'MIME::Parser' => 0,
'Math::MatrixReal' => 0,
'Math::Trig' => 0,
'Math::VectorReal' => 0,
'Module::Build' => 0,
'Module::Build::Version' => 0,
'Module::CoreList' => 0,
'Module::Load' => 0,
'Net::FTP' => 0,
'Net::IP' => 0,
'Net::Ping' => 0,
'POSIX' => 0,
'PPI::Document' => 0,
'PPI::Dumper' => 0,
'PPIx::Regexp::Dumper' => 0,
'Params::Util' => 0.25,
'Perl::Critic' => 0,
'PerlIO' => 0,
'PerlIO::eol' => 0,
'Pod::Html' => 0,
'Pod::Usage' => 0,
'Proc::ProcessTable' => 0,
'SOAP::Lite' => 0,
'SOAP::Transport::HTTP' => 0,
'Scalar::Util' => 0,
'Socket' => 0,
'Sort::Naturally' => 0,
'Spreadsheet::WriteExcel' => 0,
'Sys::Hostname' => 0,
'Template' => 0,
'Term::ANSIColor' => 0,
'Term::ReadKey' => 0,
'Term::ReadLine' => 0,
'Test' => 0,
'Test::More' => 0,
'Text::Abbrev' => 0,
'Text::CSV' => 0,
'Text::ParseWords' => 0,
'Text::Wrap' => 0,
'Time::Local' => 0,
'URI' => 0,
'URI::Escape' => 0,
'Win32::Process::Info' => 0,
# 'WWW::Babelfish' => 0,
'XML::RSS::Feed' => 0,
'XML::Writer' => 0,
'YAML' => 0,
'attributes' => 0,
'autodie' => 0,
'charnames' => 0,
'constant' => 0,
'encoding' => 0,
'lib' => 0,
'overload' => 0,
'strict' => 0,
'utf8' => 0,
'vars' => 0,
'version' => 0,
'warnings' => 0,
dynamic_config => 1,
license => 'perl',
if ( 'darwin' eq $^O ) {
foreach (
[ 'Mac::Apps::Launch' => 0 ],
[ 'Mac::Pasteboard' => 0 ],
[ 'Mac::Processes' => 0 ],
[ 'MacOSX::Alias' => 0 ],
# [ 'MacOSX::File::Constants' => 0 ],
# [ 'MacOSX::File::Info' => 0 ],
# [ 'MacOSX::File::Spec' => 0 ],
) {
$args{requires}{$_->[0]} = $_->[1];
$mbv >= 0.28 and $args{meta_merge} = {
no_index => {
directory => [qw{inc t}],
resources => {
bugtracker => '',
$mbv >= 0.34
and $args{auto_configure_requires} = 0; # Don't require Module::Build
my $bldr = Module::Build->new(%args);
$bldr->create_build_script ();