When I install Bundle::CPAN, there appear to be no problems. When I install Task-Tom without patching File::MMagic, I get the following failures: INGY/YAML-0.80.tar.gz : make_test NO The failure is in t/dump-perl-types.t, and is not related to File::MMagic as far as I can tell; it appears to be related to how 'use strict' is decompiles. Think I forced this on the last install. CHORNY/Test-Warn-0.23.tar.gz : make_test NO Not sure what is going on here -- seems to be related to STDERR handling, not File::MMagic. Think I forced this on the last install. OVID/Test-Most-0.25.tar.gz : make_test NO one dependency not OK (Test::Warn); additionally test harness failed Fails because Test::Warn fails. LETO/Math-MatrixReal-2.09.tar.gz : make_test NO one dependency not OK (Test::Most); additionally test harness failed Relies on Test::Most. SDRABBLE/HTML-TableContentParser-0.13.tar.gz : make_test NO Relies on bug fixed in 5.9.something. Not patched because YAML not installed. /Users/tom/Code/perl/Task-Tom/. : make_test NO 3 dependencies missing (YAML,Math::MatrixReal,HTML::TableContentParser) After the above, I force-installed YAML and Test::Warn, and the rest of the failures installed without problems. When I instal Task-Tom-Devel without patching File::MMagic, I get the following failures: Failed during this command: CHORNY/Module-CPANTS-Analyse-0.85.tar.gz : make_test NO Failed because of errors thrown in File::MMagic CHROMATIC/Test-Kwalitee-1.01.tar.gz : make_test NO one dependency not OK (Module::CPANTS::Analyse); additionally test harness failed /Users/tom/Code/perl/Task-Tom-Devel/. : make_test NO one dependency not OK (Test::Kwalitee)