PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /perl/5.10/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/pty.t # IO::Tty 1.10, IO::Pty 1.10 IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: debugging fd is 3 IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: ****** harnessing ***** IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: parsing [ '/perl/5.10/bin/perl', '-e', '$| = 1; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: $s = select STDERR; $| = 1; select $s; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: while (<>) { IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: print STDERR uc $_; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: print; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: last if /quit/; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: } IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: ' ] IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: parsing SCALAR IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: assuming '0<' IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: parsing '>pty>' IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: ** starting IPC::Run 0000 0123--67---- [#1(1188094)]: opening pty '0' IPC::Run 0000 01234567---- [#1(1188094)]: pty() = ( 4, 5 ) IPC::Run 0000 01234567---- [#1(1188094)]: '/perl/5.10/bin/perl' is absolute IPC::Run 0000 01234567---- [#1(1188094)]: kid 1 to read 0 from SCALAR IPC::Run 0000 0123456789-- [#1(1188094)]: pipe_nb pipe() = ( 8, 9 ) IPC::Run 0000 0123456789-- [#1(1188094)]: fcntl( 9, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK ) IPC::Run 0000 01234567890- [#1(1188094)]: dup( 8 ) = 10 IPC::Run 0000 012345678901 [#1(1188094)]: dup( 9 ) = 11 IPC::Run 0000 012345678901 [#1(1188094)]: pipe_nb() = ( 10, 11 ) IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: kid 1 to write 1 to SCALAR via pty '0' IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: kid 1[]'s 0 is my 11 IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: kid 1[]'s 1 is my 4 IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: child: `'/perl/5.10/bin/perl' -e '$| = 1; IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: $s = select STDERR; $| = 1; select $s; IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: while (<>) { IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: print STDERR uc $_; IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: print; IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: last if /quit/; IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: } IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: '` IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: opening sync pipe IPC::Run 0000 012345678901 [#1(1188094)]: pipe() = ( 8, 9 ) IPC::Run 0000 012345678901 [#1(2977846) perl]: Cleaning up parent's ptty '0' IPC::Run 0000 012345678901 [#1(1188094)]: fork() = 2977846 IPC::Run 0000 0123-5678901 [#1(2977846) perl]: closing stdin, out, err IPC::Run 0000 012345678-01 [#1(1188094)]: close( 9 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 ---3-5678901 [#1(2977846) perl]: open fds: 8 11 4 9 10 5 IPC::Run 0000 ---3-567-901 [#1(2977846) perl]: close( 8 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 ---3-567-90- [#1(2977846) perl]: close( 11 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 0--3-567-90- [#1(2977846) perl]: dup2( 10, 0 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 01-3-567-90- [#1(2977846) perl]: dup2( 5, 1 ) = 1 IPC::Run 0000 0123-567-90- [#1(2977846) perl]: dup2( 1, 2 ) = 2 IPC::Run 0000 0123-567-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: close( 10 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: close( 5 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: execing /perl/5.10/bin/perl -e '$| = 1; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: $s = select STDERR; $| = 1; select $s; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: while (<>) { IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: print STDERR uc $_; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: print; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: last if /quit/; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: } IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: ' IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: exec()ing '/perl/5.10/bin/perl' '-e' '$| = 1; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: $s = select STDERR; $| = 1; select $s; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: while (<>) { IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: print STDERR uc $_; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: print; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: last if /quit/; IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: } IPC::Run 0000 0123--67-9-- [#1(2977846) perl]: ' IPC::Run 0000 012345678-01 [#1(1188094)]: read( 8 ) = 0 but true chars '' IPC::Run 0000 01234567--01 [#1(1188094)]: close( 8 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: close( 10 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ** pumping IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: fds for select: ----r------w IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: timeout=forever IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: selected -----------w IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: filtering data to fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: writing to fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: write( 11, 'hello IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ' ) = 6 IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: exiting _select(): io occured and break_on_io set IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ** pumping IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: fds for select: ----r------w IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: timeout=forever IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: selected ----r------w IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: filtering data to fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: pausing fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: filtering data from fd 4 (kid's stdout) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: reading from fd 4 (kid's stdout) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: read( 4 ) = 14 chars 'HELLO IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: hello IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ' IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: exiting _select(): io occured and break_on_io set IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ** pumping IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: checking for more input fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: writing to fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: write( 11, 'world IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ' ) = 6 IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: fds for select: ----r------p IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: timeout=forever IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: selected ----r------- IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: filtering data from fd 4 (kid's stdout) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: reading from fd 4 (kid's stdout) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: read( 4 ) = 14 chars 'WORLD IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: world IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ' IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: exiting _select(): io occured and break_on_io set IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ** finishing IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: checking for more input fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: writing to fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: write( 11, 'quit IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: ' ) = 5 IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---1 [#1(1188094)]: closing fd 11 (kid's stdin) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: close( 11 ) = 0 IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: fds for select: ----r------- IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: timeout=0.01 IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: selected ----r------- IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: filtering data from fd 4 (kid's stdout) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: reading from fd 4 (kid's stdout) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: read( 4 ) = 12 chars 'QUIT IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: quit IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: ' IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: fds for select: ----r------- IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: timeout=forever IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: selected ----r------- IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: filtering data from fd 4 (kid's stdout) IPC::Run 0000 01234-67---- [#1(1188094)]: reading from fd 4 (kid's stdout) ack I/O error: read( 4 ) at /perl/Packages/IPC-Run-0.89/blib/lib/IPC/Run/ line 558 # Looks like you planned 32 tests but ran 13. # Looks like your test exited with 5 just after 13. t/pty.t .. 1..32 ok 1 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 2 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 3 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 4 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 5 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 6 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 7 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 8 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 9 # skip aix deadlocks on this test ok 10 ok 11 ok 12 ok 13 Dubious, test returned 5 (wstat 1280, 0x500) Failed 19/32 subtests (less 9 skipped subtests: 4 okay) Test Summary Report ------------------- t/pty.t (Wstat: 1280 Tests: 13 Failed: 0) Non-zero exit status: 5 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 32 tests but ran 13. Files=1, Tests=13, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.01 sys + 0.10 cusr 0.01 csys = 0.16 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/1 test programs. 0/13 subtests failed. make: The error code from the last command is 5. Stop.