have file : Oracle:datawhd DBI - processing database type : Oracle Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/cygwin/DBD/Oracle.pm line 388. DBD::Oracle::db tables failed: ORA-00936: missing expression (DBD ERROR: error possibly near <*> indicator at char 548 in 'SELECT * FROM ( SELECT /*+ RULE*/ NULL TABLE_CAT , t.OWNER TABLE_SCHEM , t.TABLE_NAME TABLE_NAME , decode(t.OWNER , 'SYS' , 'SYSTEM ' , 'SYSTEM' , 'SYSTEM ' , '' ) || t.TABLE_TYPE TABLE_TYPE , c.COMMENTS REMARKS FROM ALL_TAB_COMMENTS c , ALL_CATALOG t WHERE c.OWNER (+) = t.OWNER AND c.TABLE_NAME (+) = t.TABLE_NAME AND c.TABLE_TYPE (+) = t.TABLE_TYPE ) WHERE TABLE_SCHEM LIKE 'public' ESCAPE '\' AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '%' ESCAPE '\' AND TABLE_TYPE IN (<*>) ORDER BY TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME ') [for Statement "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT /*+ RULE*/ NULL TABLE_CAT , t.OWNER TABLE_SCHEM , t.TABLE_NAME TABLE_NAME , decode(t.OWNER , 'SYS' , 'SYSTEM ' , 'SYSTEM' , 'SYSTEM ' , '' ) || t.TABLE_TYPE TABLE_TYPE , c.COMMENTS REMARKS FROM ALL_TAB_COMMENTS c , ALL_CATALOG t WHERE c.OWNER (+) = t.OWNER AND c.TABLE_NAME (+) = t.TABLE_NAME AND c.TABLE_TYPE (+) = t.TABLE_TYPE ) WHERE TABLE_SCHEM LIKE 'public' ESCAPE '\' AND TABLE_NAME LIKE '%' ESCAPE '\' AND TABLE_TYPE IN () ORDER BY TABLE_TYPE, TABLE_SCHEM, TABLE_NAME "] at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8/Autodia/Handler/DBI.pm line 70. using default (dia) template Diagram.pm : Classes : no Classes to be printed Diagram.pm : Superclasses : no superclasses to be printed Diagram.pm : Components : no Components to be printed Diagram.pm : Inheritances : no Inheritances to be printed - ignoring.. Diagram.pm : Dependancies : no dependancies to be printed - ignoring.. nothing to output using DBI handler - are you sure you set the language correctly ? getting handlers.. getting pattern for dbi AutoDia - version 2.05(c) Copyright 2003 A Trevena using language : DBI ..using Autodia::Handler::DBI opening Oracle:datawhd database type : Oracle public esc : 1 unescape 0 complete. (processed 1 files)