Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 1.50 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1988-94. All rights reserved. C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -MExtUtils::Command -e cp script/meta blib\script\meta pl2bat.bat blib\script\meta C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(1, 'blib\lib', 'blib\arch')" t/17import.t t/17import....1..45 Subroutine get_language redefined at C:\Perl\site\lib/Win32/ line 201. ok 1 - metaalphabet -> i ok 2 - metaamber -> Wixer ok 3 - metabatman -> clank_est ok 4 - metabrowser -> mozilla ok 5 - metabuffy -> Oz ok 6 - metacounting_rhyme -> go ok 7 - metacrypto -> mallory ok 8 - metacurrency -> LAK ok 9 - metadancers -> Tanaquil_LeClercq ok 10 - metadebian -> etch ok 11 - metadilbert -> beverly ok 12 - metadonmartin -> fweeeeeeeee #names=$VAR1 = [ 'hassium' ]; #seen=$VAR1 = { 'B' => 1, 'C' => 1, 'F' => 1, 'H' => 1, 'I' => 1, 'K' => 1, 'N' => 1, 'O' => 1, 'P' => 1, 'S' => 1, 'U' => 1, 'W' => 1, 'Y' => 1, 'Ac' => 1, 'Ag' => 1, 'Al' => 1, 'Am' => 1, 'Ar' => 1, 'As' => 1, 'At' => 1, 'Au' => 1, 'Ba' => 1, 'Be' => 1, 'Bh' => 1, 'Bi' => 1, 'Bk' => 1, 'Bo' => 1, 'Br' => 1, 'Ca' => 1, 'Cd' => 1, 'Ce' => 1, 'Cf' => 1, 'Cl' => 1, 'Cm' => 1, 'Co' => 1, 'Cr' => 1, 'Cs' => 1, 'Cu' => 1, 'Db' => 1, 'Ds' => 1, 'Dy' => 1, 'Er' => 1, 'Es' => 1, 'Eu' => 1, 'Fe' => 1, 'Fm' => 1, 'Fr' => 1, 'Ga' => 1, 'Gd' => 1, 'Ge' => 1, 'He' => 1, 'Hf' => 1, 'Hg' => 1, 'Ho' => 1, 'Hs' => 1, 'In' => 1, 'Ir' => 1, 'Ky' => 1, 'La' => 1, 'Li' => 1, 'Lr' => 1, 'Lu' => 1, 'Md' => 1, 'Mg' => 1, 'Mn' => 1, 'Mo' => 1, 'Mt' => 1, 'Na' => 1, 'Nb' => 1, 'Nd' => 1, 'Ne' => 1, 'Ni' => 1, 'Np' => 1, 'Os' => 1, 'Pa' => 1, 'Pb' => 1, 'Pd' => 1, 'Pm' => 1, 'Po' => 1, 'Pr' => 1, 'Pt' => 1, 'Pu' => 1, 'Ra' => 1, 'Rb' => 1, 'Re' => 1, 'Rf' => 1, 'Rg' => 1, 'Rh' => 1, 'Rn' => 1, 'Ru' => 1, 'Sb' => 1, 'Sc' => 1, 'Se' => 1, 'Sg' => 1, 'Si' => 1, 'Sm' => 1, 'Sn' => 1, 'Sr' => 1, 'Ta' => 1, 'Tb' => 1, 'Tc' => 1, 'Te' => 1, 'Th' => 1, 'Ti' => 1, 'Tl' => 1, 'Tm' => 1, 'Vn' => 1, 'Xe' => 1, 'Yb' => 1, 'Zn' => 1, 'Zr' => 1, 'Uub' => 1, 'Uuh' => 1, 'Uuo' => 1, 'Uup' => 1, 'Uuq' => 1, 'Uus' => 1, 'Uut' => 1 }; #Default=x-elements not ok 13 - metaelements -> hassium # Failed test (t/17import.t at line 31) ok 14 - metaflintstones -> wilma ok 15 - metafoo -> baz ok 16 - metagarbage -> debris ok 17 - metagroo -> Sage #names=$VAR1 = [ 'Tramps' ]; #seen=$VAR1 = { 'Cornichon_diplome' => 1, 'Macaque' => 1, 'Bougre_de_creme_d_emplatre_a_la_graisse_de_herisson' => 1, 'Macrocephale' => 1, 'Paranoiaque' => 1, 'Babouin' => 1, 'Azteque' => 1, 'Galopin' => 1, 'Diplodocus' => 1, 'Sapristi' => 1, 'Flibustier' => 1, 'Voleur_d_enfants' => 1, 'Serpent' => 1, 'Marin_d_eau_douce' => 1, 'Coloquinte' => 1, 'Vampire' => 1, 'Mussolini_de_carnaval' => 1, 'Autocrate' => 1, 'Khroumirs' => 1, 'Bibendum' => 1, 'Tortionnaire' => 1, 'Bulldozer_a_reaction' => 1, 'Pyromane' => 1, 'Malappris' => 1, 'Topinambour' => 1, 'Papou_des_Carpathes' => 1, 'Vipere' => 1, 'Sapajou' => 1, 'Demon' => 1, 'Hydrocarbure' => 1, 'Bayadere_de_carnaval' => 1, 'Anthropopitheque' => 1, 'Zigomar' => 1, 'Mille_marmottes' => 1, 'Pignouf' => 1, 'Soulographe' => 1, 'Scolopendre' => 1, 'Mufle' => 1, 'Marchand_de_tapis_ou_de_guano' => 1, 'Ornithorynque' => 1, 'Trompe_la_mort' => 1, 'Analphabete' => 1, 'Rocambole' => 1, 'Cataplasme' => 1, 'Traine_potence' => 1, 'Porc_epic_mal_embouche' => 1, 'Bandit' => 1, 'Cyclone' => 1, 'Va_nu_pieds' => 1, 'Amphitryon' => 1, 'Esclavagiste' => 1, 'Empoisonneur' => 1, 'Ophicleide' => 1, 'Gredin' => 1, 'Grotesque_polichinelle' => 1, 'Flibustier_de_carnaval' => 1, 'Jet_d_eau_ambulant' => 1, 'Boit_sans_soif' => 1, 'Coquin' => 1, 'Zoulou' => 1, 'Papou' => 1, 'Energumene' => 1, 'Cretin_des_Balcans' => 1, 'Cannibale_emplume' => 1, 'Gyroscope' => 1, 'Escogriffe' => 1, 'Gargarisme' => 1, 'Merinos_mal_peigne' => 1, 'Vaurien' => 1, 'Mercanti' => 1, 'Megacycle' => 1, 'Jus_de_reglisse' => 1, 'Bougre_de_faux_jetons_a_la_sauce_tartare' => 1, 'Profiteur' => 1, 'Mille_sabords' => 1, 'Zapoteque' => 1, 'Sauvage_d_aerolithe' => 1, 'Mille_tonnerres' => 1, 'Merinos' => 1, 'Naufrageur' => 1, 'Zouave' => 1, 'Terroriste' => 1, 'Malotru' => 1, 'Amiral_de_bateau_lavoir' => 1, 'Ostrogoth' => 1, 'Lascar' => 1, 'Negrier' => 1, 'Chauffard' => 1, 'Lache' => 1, 'Ectoplasme' => 1, 'Mille_millions_de_mille_sabords' => 1, 'Bande_de_Ku_Klux_Klans' => 1, 'Renegat' => 1, 'Canaque' => 1, 'Bougre_de_malappris' => 1, 'Pyrophore' => 1, 'Anthropophage' => 1, 'Judas' => 1, 'Cyanure' => 1, 'Cannibale' => 1, 'Rapace' => 1, 'Satrape' => 1, 'Vermine' => 1, 'Cornemuse' => 1, 'Iconoclaste' => 1, 'Froussard' => 1, 'Vermicelle' => 1, 'Hors_la_loi' => 1, 'Cyclotron' => 1, 'Patapouf' => 1, 'Sajou' => 1, 'Ours_mal_leche' => 1, 'Que_le_grand_cric_me_croque' => 1, 'Moujiks' => 1, 'Projectile_guide' => 1, 'Escroc' => 1, 'Barbare' => 1, 'Gros_plein_de_soupe' => 1, 'Brute' => 1, 'Vieux_cachalot' => 1, 'Egoiste' => 1, 'Pacte_a_quatre' => 1, 'Faux_jeton' => 1, 'Vieille_perruche_bavarde' => 1, 'Casse_pieds' => 1, 'Moussaillon' => 1, 'Forban' => 1, 'Orycterope' => 1, 'Catachrese' => 1, 'Apache' => 1, 'Cyrano_a_quatre_pattes' => 1, 'Trafiquant_de_chair_humaine' => 1, 'Miserable' => 1, 'Poussiere' => 1, 'Coleoptere' => 1, 'Logarithme' => 1, 'Rhizopode' => 1, 'Athlete_complet' => 1, 'Heretique' => 1, 'Anacoluthe' => 1, 'Scorpion' => 1, 'Vandale' => 1, 'Coupe_jarret' => 1, 'Doryphore' => 1, 'Bachi_bouzouk' => 1, 'Cloporte' => 1, 'Tigresse' => 1, 'Patagon' => 1, 'Ecraseur' => 1, 'Espece_de_projectile_guide' => 1, 'Jocrisse' => 1, 'Zebre' => 1, 'Rat' => 1, 'Sinapisme' => 1, 'Olibrius' => 1, 'Espece_de_bayadere_de_carnaval' => 1, 'Diablesse' => 1, 'Patate' => 1, 'Megalomane' => 1, 'Loup_garou_a_la_graisse_de_renoncule_de_mille_tonnerres_de_Brest' => 1, 'Mercenaire' => 1, 'Emplatre' => 1, 'Pirate_du_ciel' => 1, 'Ravachol' => 1, 'Phenomene' => 1, 'Freres_de_la_cote' => 1, 'Cholera' => 1, 'Cow_boy' => 1, 'Enrage' => 1, 'Creme_d_emplatre' => 1, 'Garnement' => 1, 'Analphabete_diplome' => 1, 'Espece_de_zouave' => 1, 'Protozoaire' => 1, 'Garde_cote_a_la_mie_de_pain' => 1, 'Sacripant' => 1, 'Brontosaure' => 1, 'Ectoplasme_a_roulettes' => 1, 'Bougre_de_jets_d_eau_ambulants' => 1, 'Epouvantail' => 1, 'Vegetarien' => 1, 'Voleur' => 1, 'Mamelouk' => 1, 'Vercingetorix_de_carnaval' => 1, 'Pantoufle' => 1, 'Schizophrene' => 1, 'Accapareur' => 1, 'Ivrogne' => 1, 'Fatma_de_prisunic' => 1, 'Technocrate' => 1, 'Bougre_de_sauvage' => 1, 'Hurluberlu' => 1, 'Autodidacte' => 1, 'Gangster' => 1, 'Ecornifleur' => 1, 'Ver_de_terre' => 1, 'Saltimbanque' => 1, 'Peronnelle' => 1, 'Perroquet_bavard' => 1, 'Moule_a_gaufre' => 1, 'Zouave_interplanetaire' => 1, 'Chouette_mal_empaillee' => 1, 'Cercopitheque' => 1, 'Chenapan' => 1, 'Canaille' => 1, 'Sauvage' => 1, 'Mouchard' => 1, 'Gibier_de_potence' => 1, 'Peaux_rouges' => 1, 'Polygraphe' => 1, 'Phylloxera' => 1, 'Simili_Martien_a_la_graisse_de_cabestan' => 1, 'Troglodyte' => 1, 'Traitre' => 1, 'Cretin_de_l_Himalaya' => 1, 'Tchouck_tchouck_nougat' => 1, 'Tete_de_mule' => 1, 'Scelerat' => 1, 'Arlequin' => 1, 'Invertebre' => 1, 'Noix_de_coco' => 1, 'Visigoth' => 1, 'Astronaute_d_eau_douce' => 1, 'Pirate_d_eau_douce' => 1, 'Cromagnon' => 1, 'Cornichon' => 1, 'Vivisectionniste' => 1, 'Emplatre_a_la_creme_de_herisson' => 1, 'Tete_de_lard' => 1, 'Tonnerre_de_Brest' => 1, 'Phlebotome' => 1, 'Cretin_des_Alpes' => 1, 'Dynamiteur' => 1, 'Grenouille' => 1, 'Parasite' => 1, 'Corsaire' => 1, 'Nyctalope' => 1, 'Apprenti_dictateur_a_la_noix_de_coco' => 1, 'Mitrailleur_a_bavette' => 1 }; #Default=fr not ok 18 - metahaddock -> Tramps # Failed test (t/17import.t at line 31) ok 19 - metahhgg -> ford ok 20 - metajamesbond -> Tomorrow_Never_Dies ok 21 - metajerkcity -> Effigy ok 22 - metaloremipsum -> esse ok 23 - metamagic8ball -> Cannot_Predict_Now ok 24 - metamagicroundabout -> Brian ok 25 - metamonty_spam -> vikings ok 26 - metaoctothorpe -> crunch ok 27 - metaoulipo -> AMS ok 28 - metapasta -> svuotini_rigati ok 29 - metapeanuts -> Peppermint_Patty #names=$VAR1 = [ 'Baker' ]; #seen=$VAR1 = { 'yankee' => 1, 'sierra' => 1, 'romeo' => 1, 'charlie' => 1, 'juliet' => 1, 'hotel' => 1, 'quebec' => 1, 'golf' => 1, 'oscar' => 1, 'uniform' => 1, 'victor' => 1, 'kilo' => 1, 'xray' => 1, 'bravo' => 1, 'zulu' => 1, 'whiskey' => 1, 'foxtrot' => 1, 'delta' => 1, 'echo' => 1, 'lima' => 1, 'tango' => 1, 'november' => 1, 'papa' => 1, 'india' => 1, 'mike' => 1, 'alpha' => 1 }; #Default=nato not ok 30 - metaphonetic -> Baker # Failed test (t/17import.t at line 31) ok 31 - metapumpkings -> mschwern ok 32 - metapunctuation -> question_mark ok 33 - metapynchon -> mondaugen ok 34 - metapython -> sausage ok 35 - metaquantum -> tau ok 36 - metarobin -> holy_hijackers ok 37 - metaservices -> afs3_volser ok 38 - metashadok -> meu ok 39 - metasimpsons -> maggie ok 40 - metastars -> Alshain ok 41 - metateletubbies -> Laa_Laa ok 42 - metatld -> be ok 43 - metatoto -> tutu ok 44 - metaviclones -> vigor ok 45 - metayapc -> Amsterdam # Looks like you failed 3 tests of 45. dubious Test returned status 3 (wstat 768, 0x300) DIED. FAILED tests 13, 18, 30 Failed 3/45 tests, 93.33% okay Failed 1/1 test scripts, 0.00% okay. 3/45 subtests failed, 93.33% okay. Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- t/17import.t 3 768 45 3 6.67% 13 18 30 NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.exe' : return code '0x2' Stop.