Subject: | Username/Password requires Encode::encode as the Perl String |
I had to do this to get authentication to work:
my $mq_username = Encode::encode("ISO-8859-1", $config->mq_username);
my $mq_password = Encode::encode("ISO-8859-1", $config->mq_password);
my $mq = POE::Component::Client::AMQP->create
RemoteAddress => $config->mq_remoteaddress,
RemotePort => $config->mq_port,
Username => $mq_username,
Password => $mq_password,
VirtualHost => $mq_virtualhost,
Keepalive => $mq_keepalive,
) // 'Failed to connect to MQ';
I didn't check the source code, but as you have a home grow TCP protocol I'd bet it's not yet UTF-8 ready.