Show quoted text> Probably the "use POSIX" within Math/ has to be changed to "use POSIX ()".
I agree.
On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Slaven_Rezic via RT
<> wrote:
Show quoted text> <URL: >
> On 2014-10-07 03:13:24, JHI wrote:
>> Forewarning about Perl 5.22 (due out spring 2015).
>> The good news is that the math APIs of the POSIX module will be
>> expanded, one addition will be round(). (To complement the ceil() and
>> floor, all definitions taken as from the C99 standard.)
>> The bad news is that by default the POSIX module exports *everything*.
>> Including the round(). If someone uses both Math::Round *and* POSIX
>> *and* they do the export-all (which cannot be changed, because of
>> backward compatibility),
>> there will be a naming conflict and crash in module startup.
>> This may be worth of a documentation mention in Math::Round.
> Actually it's not just a documentation issue in Math::Round. If warnings are enabled, then a warning is issued if Math::Round is loaded:
> $ perl5.21.7 -w -MMath::Round -e1
> Subroutine round redefined at /usr/perl5.21.7/lib/site_perl/5.21.7/Math/ line 24.
> Probably the "use POSIX" within Math/ has to be changed to "use POSIX ()".
> Regards,
> Slaven
There is this special biologist word we use for 'stable'. It is
'dead'. -- Jack Cohen