Hi Slaven,
Thanks for the bug report! After looking into it, and
testing on both a Debian Jessie(ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.98) and a
Gentoo(ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.02), I came to the conclusion that the
problem is surfacing only on Debian with EUMM 6.98 which does some
checks(::manicheck) and apparently it breaks when it sees symbolic
[1] Debian Jessie with ExtUtils::MakeMaker 6.98
[2] Gentoo Base System release 2.2 with ExtUtils::MakeMaker 7.02
In the case of Tsk, those symbolic links are created as a result of
building 3rd party libs (sleuthkit, afflib, libewf) with the autotools
toolchain (since that's their build system) and as a result of the Makefile.PL
itself which needs to set things up a certain way, so that sleuthkit
can be succesfuly built (it has dependencies on afflib and libewf).
After trying to overcome this by filling MANIFEST.SKIP with paths to
some files (including the problematic symbolic links) that EUMM was
breaking on, the problem was still present with 6.98
The workaround for this(for the time being):
*{ExtUtils::Manifest::manicheck} = sub {};
*{ExtUtils::Manifest::_check_files} = sub {};
This was placed in Makefile.PL in order to prohibit EUMM from doing
the checks it was doing on the manifest.
I'll have to look more on the testing setup that CPAN testers have, to
understand the problem a bit better.
So far, I've tried to look at the difference between EUMM 6.98 and 7.02
but I wasn't able to spot anything related to this problem.
git clone
cd ExtUtils-MakeMaker
git diff v6.98 v7.02 | vi -
I'm working towards a new release of Tsk(0.04) which will be out soon
and there should be no more build problems in that one.
If you know more on this problem, do share :)
Best regards,
On Tue Sep 23 01:58:03 2014, SREZIC wrote:
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