Subject: | Capitalized ACE prefix does not work |
perl -MNet::IDN::Encode=domain_to_unicode -e 'print domain_to_unicode("EXAMPLE.XN--11B5BS3A9AJ6G")'
perl -MNet::IDN::Encode=domain_to_unicode -e 'print domain_to_unicode("EXAMPLE.xn--11B5BS3A9AJ6G")'
Wide character in print at -e line 1.
perl -MNet::IDN::Encode=domain_to_unicode -e 'print Net::IDN::Encode->VERSION'
(that's btw example from documentation)
however, it seems that it should work
The ACE prefix for IDNA is "xn--" or any capitalization thereof.
A decoder MUST recognize the letters in both uppercase and lowercase
forms (including mixtures of both forms). An encoder SHOULD output
only uppercase forms or only lowercase forms, unless it uses mixed-
case annotation (see appendix A).