Subject: | t/Ontolome.t fails test 76. |
Date: | Wed, 9 Jul 2014 08:58:49 -0700 |
To: | bug-onto-perl [...], erick.antezana [...] |
From: | George Hartzell < [...]> |
On a Mac running OS X 10.9.2 with perl v5.18.2, ONTO-PERL fails its tests.
After running cpanm -L local Date::Manip to install the prerequisite into a
local library, the following command failed to complete successfully:
cpanm -L local OBO::Core::Term
It turns out that test #76 in t/Ontolome.t is failing. After changing
t/Ontolome.t to use Test::More instead of Test (so that “ok” generates
useful output on failure) it reported the failure thusly.
not ok 76
# Test 76 got: "52" (t/Ontolome.t at line 627)
# Expected: "48"
# t/Ontolome.t line 627 is:
ok($go_transitive_closure->get_number_of_relationships(), 34 + 14); #
many new rels: isa*partof=>partof and partof*isa=>partof
52 is indeed not equal to 34+14.
Digging in a bit with the debugger, I found the following set of
relationships and there are in fact 52 of them. I do not know if there are
more than there should be or if the expected count is incorrect.
DB<<9>> x map {$_->{ID}} values(%{$self->{RELATIONSHIPS}})
0 '118_part_of_103'
1 '103_part_of_56'
2 '29_part_of_56'
3 '60_part_of_117'
4 '242_is_a_29'
5 '60_is_a_29'
6 '103_part_of_2'
7 '103_part_of_10'
8 '38_part_of_2'
9 '118_part_of_117'
10 '59_part_of_117'
11 '271_part_of_10'
12 '59_part_of_103'
13 '29_part_of_10'
14 '38_part_of_10'
15 '271_part_of_2'
16 '117_part_of_271'
17 '271_part_of_265'
18 '29_part_of_265'
19 '117_part_of_265'
20 '242_part_of_2'
21 '117_is_a_103'
22 '60_is_a_59'
23 '60_part_of_10'
24 '60_part_of_2'
25 '242_part_of_265'
26 '56_is_a_10'
27 '59_is_a_29'
28 '242_part_of_10'
29 '117_part_of_2'
30 '60_part_of_103'
31 '242_part_of_56'
32 '117_part_of_10'
33 '60_is_a_242'
34 '38_part_of_56'
35 '60_part_of_56'
36 '265_is_a_56'
37 '117_part_of_56'
38 '265_is_a_2'
39 '59_is_a_242'
40 '271_is_a_38'
41 '117_part_of_38'
42 '60_part_of_118'
43 '2_is_a_10'
44 '29_part_of_2'
45 '271_part_of_56'
46 '103_part_of_271'
47 '60_part_of_265'
48 '103_part_of_38'
49 '265_is_a_10'
50 '56_is_a_2'
51 '103_part_of_265'
Please let me know if I can investigate further.