Subject: | Unparsable value in DM5 parses fine in DM6 |
I am porting some packages to a newer OS which includes newer Date::Manip. A string which is not a date -- "123456.78" -- is not supposed to correctly parse as a date. With DM6, it parses fine (see below) and thus our software cannot catch invalid input anymore.
sh$ perl -MDate::Manip -e 'print "V: $Date::Manip::VERSION\n"'
V: 6.42
sh$ DATE_MANIP=DM5 perl -MDate::Manip -e '$d = ParseDate("123456.78"); print "d: <$d>\n"'
d: <>
sh$ DATE_MANIP=DM6 perl -MDate::Manip -e '$d = ParseDate("123456.78"); print "d: <$d>\n"'
d: <2014051312:34:56>