Subject: | fish shell installation script assumes that space is space. |
When installing local::lib with fish shell, I got the following output.
set -x PATH /home/xfix/perl5/bin $PATH;
set -x PERL5LIB /home/xfix/perl5/lib/perl5 $PERL5LIB;
set -x PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT /home/xfix/perl5 $PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT;
set -x PERL_MB_OPT --install_base \"/home/xfix/perl5\";
set -x PERL_MM_OPT INSTALL_BASE=/home/xfix/perl5;
However, there is a problem with PERL_MB_OPT assignment. In fish shell, spaces separate array arguments (in `set`). When exported, the array variables are joined using `:`. Therefore, space should be escaped with `\`, so the variable value wouldn't look like `--install_base:"home/xfix/perl5"`.
(also, `;` completely unneeded, but that isn't any issue)