Thanks for the report. Marpa::PP never left alpha and is now on CPAN only for the convenience of legacy users. It is not supported and I do not recommend anyone else work on it -- if someone is interested in a "Pure Perl" version of Marpa, they are best off starting from scratch, and basing their work on Marpa::R2.
Changes in 5.18.0 and after have been incompatible with Marpa::PP. Marpa::PP will not be changed to keep up with these.
Marpa::PP does have an installed base, and I leave it on CPAN as a service to that base. If it were not for them, I would remove it. I do not recommend Marpa::PP to new users. New users should look at Marpa::R2.
I plan to leave this bug report open, to document the situation for those considering use of Marpa::PP.
On Thu May 01 13:45:33 2014, SREZIC wrote:
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