Subject: | Legacy bundled Test::Builder causes superfluous warnings on 5.19+ |
Looks similar to and is probably the case for anything you bundle Test::Builder with really.
Test::Builder 0.98
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /home/kent/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.19.9-fast/bin/perl5.19.9 "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness(0, 'inc', 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /home/kent/.cpanm/work/1393251373.733713/YAML-LibYAML-0.41/inc/Test/ line 917.
t/alias.t ............ ok
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /home/kent/.cpanm/work/1393251373.733713/YAML-LibYAML-0.41/inc/Test/ line 917.
t/api.t .............. ok
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /home/kent/.cpanm/work/1393251373.733713/YAML-LibYAML-0.41/inc/Test/ line 917.
t/ascii.t ............ ok
Possible precedence issue with control flow operator at /home/kent/.cpanm/work/1393251373.733713/YAML-LibYAML-0.41/inc/Test/ line 917.
t/blessed.t .......... ok
x a bunch.