Subject: | Check conflicting modules also after installing Moose |
This is just a suggestion for better error handling and user friendliness.
The motivation is described in
When Moose is installed/updated it checks for conflicting modules and produces a warning, e.g.:
Conflicts detected for Moose:
Catalyst is version 5.90007, but must be greater than version 5.90049999
Config::MVP is version 2.200002, but must be greater than version 2.200004
Devel::REPL is version 1.003014, but must be greater than version 1.003020
MooseX::NonMoose is version 0.20, but must be greater than version 0.22
MooseX::Object::Pluggable is version 0.0011, but must be greater than version 0.0011
MooseX::Role::Parameterized is version 0.25, but must be greater than version 1.00
MooseX::Traits is version 0.11, but must be greater than version 0.11
However, cpan does not update these conflicting modules (as these are not dependencies) and the message gets hidden among thousands of other lines.
My suggestion is to check for conflicting modules (and print the warning) also each time when an uncaught Moose exception is produced. I know checking conflicts takes some time, but I hope a small slowdown *after* printing a fatal error should not hurt.