Subject: | exec.t has "!= NULL" and should be changed to "IS NOT NULL" |
When exec.t crashes half-way through, the 'dbitest' procedure remains defined in the database. The pre-emptive clean-up at the beginning of exec.t is broken (see patch below) so the test subsequently fails with "There is already an object named 'dbitest' in the database."
--- c:\temp\p4v\PRGDWM355382_qaperforce_1666\depot\QA\Toolbox\\CPAN\DBD-Sybase\1.15\src\t\exec#1.t 2014-01-28 15:23:47.000000000 +-0100
+++ c:\w\qai-28\Toolbox\\CPAN\DBD-Sybase\1.15\src\t\exec.t 2014-02-03 14:38:42.000000000 +-0100
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@
ok(defined($rc), "exec sysusers");
#$dbh->do("use tempdb");
$dbh->do("set arithabort off");
-$dbh->do("if object_id('dbitest') != NULL drop proc dbitest");
+$dbh->do("if object_id('dbitest') is not NULL drop proc dbitest");
$rc = $dbh->do(qq{
create proc dbitest \@one varchar(20), \@two int, \@three numeric(5,2), \@four smalldatetime, \@five float output
select \@one, \@two, \@three, \@four
select * from master..sysprocesses