On 01/10/2014 08:14 AM, Petr Šabata via RT wrote:
Show quoted text> I'm running perl 5.18.1 but I'm not using the `version' bundled with
> it (0.9902); I only have CPAN `version' installed [0] and this issue
> appears with 0.9904 or newer, without any other changes on the
> system, every time. Even though the reproducer doesn't use version
> directly, I assume it's used somewhere in Gtk2 or DBD::Pg, or modules
> used by them.
It is not possible to separate the version C/XS code from the core; if
they have just eliminated the version.pm file, they are not doing
anything useful (it is just a stub in the core). The C/XS code is part
of util.c/universal.c and it is not severable.
Similarly, just installing the cpan version.pm distribution doesn't
replace the core XS code until something calls 'use version;' at which
point the cpan code overrides the core code for most purposes. In this
case, it appears that DBD::Pg is the one that is calling the CPAN
version code.
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This was originally reported for Fedora here
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It is far more likely that Fedora's usual interference in Perl packaging
has broken something. It isn't the first time and it won't be the last.
To some extent, I can understand their desire to have smaller more
modular packaging, but it makes life hard for everyone else.
I suppose I'll have to set up a VM running Fedora 20 and see if I can
figure out what is going on...