Subject: | Extraction of authorization from URL needs to happen sooner |
The HTTP::Request + LWP::UserAgent pair of modules correctly handles the case
my $resp = $ua->request( GET "http://user:pass@host/path" );
but despite that the HTTP basic auth header is a property of the HTTP::Request itself, this appears to be being handled entirely by LWP rather than HTTP::Request.
It would be more useful for other HTTP useragents which are based on HTTP::Message objects if this were handled within HTTP::Request itself. I feel that therefore the behaviour ought to be somewhere that after
my $req = GET "http://user:pass@host/path";
We now have the Authorization header correctly set in $req and the user:pass@ removed from the embedded URL in the first request line. Ideally then at this point
print $req->as_string;
should yield
GET /path HTTP/1.1
Host: host
Authorization: Basic dXNlcjpwYXNz
Paul Evans