Subject: | Boost test coverage |
The patch attached increases the cover which YAML-Tiny's test suite provides to its source code.
At the start of my work on YAML-Tiny, coverage, as measured by Devel::Cover, was:
file stmt bran cond sub
blib/lib/YAML/ 88.6 77.7 73.0 92.6
At the point represented by the patch, coverage has increased to:
file stmt bran cond sub
blib/lib/YAML/ 91.3 83.0 73.0 100.0
There are areas in the code where, if it were cleaned up, coverage could probably be improved further. But at the very least, we now have coverage of all subroutines in lib/YAML/
If there is a particular style for writing tests for YAML-Tiny to which all tests much conform, please let me know. You can ping me (kid51) on #toolchain when you see me on channel.
Thank you very much.
Jim Keenan
Subject: | boost_coverage_1.diff |
diff --git a/t/19_errors.t b/t/19_errors.t
index a8a7b43..11223cb 100644
--- a/t/19_errors.t
+++ b/t/19_errors.t
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ BEGIN {
use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
use t::lib::Test;
-use Test::More tests => 20;
+use Test::More tests => 25;
use YAML::Tiny ();
my $FEATURE = 'does not support a feature';
@@ -71,3 +71,46 @@ END_YAML
yaml_error( <<'END_YAML', $PLAIN );
foo: `perl -V`
+# tests for read()
+ eval { YAML::Tiny->read(); };
+ like(YAML::Tiny->errstr, qr/You did not specify a file name/,
+ "Got expected error: no filename provided to read()");
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+ my $file = catfile( test_data_directory(), 'nonexistent.yml' );
+ eval { YAML::Tiny->read($file); };
+ like(YAML::Tiny->errstr, qr/File '$file' does not exist/,
+ "Got expected error: nonexistent filename provided to read()");
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+ my $file = catfile( test_data_directory(), '/' );
+ eval { YAML::Tiny->read($file); };
+ like(YAML::Tiny->errstr, qr/'$file' is a directory, not a file/,
+ "Got expected error: directory provided to read()");
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+# tests for read_string()
+ eval { YAML::Tiny->read_string(); };
+ like(YAML::Tiny->errstr, qr/Did not provide a string to load/,
+ "Got expected error: no string provided to read_string()");
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+ my $str = join("\n" => ('---', '- foo', '---', '- bar', '---'));
+ eval { YAML::Tiny->read_string($str); };
+ like(YAML::Tiny->errstr, qr/Stream does not end with newline character/,
+ "Got expected error: stream did not end with newline");
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
diff --git a/t/24_misc.t b/t/24_misc.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81aade5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/24_misc.t
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Testing of statements in the YAML-Tiny codebase not exercised elsewhere.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ $| = 1;
+ $^W = 1;
+use File::Spec::Functions ':ALL';
+use t::lib::Test;
+use Test::More qw(no_plan); # tests => 24;;
+use YAML::Tiny;
+use File::Temp qw(tempfile);
+# tests for read()
+ my ($obj, $str, $yaml, $file);
+ $obj = YAML::Tiny->new();
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $file = catfile( test_data_directory(), 'one.yml' );
+ eval { $yaml = $obj->read($file); };
+ ok(! YAML::Tiny->errstr, "\$obj->read: No error, as expected");
+ isa_ok( $yaml, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+ my ($obj, $str, $yaml, $file);
+ $obj = YAML::Tiny->new();
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $file = catfile( test_data_directory(), 'nonexistent.yml' );
+ eval { $obj->read($file); };
+ like(YAML::Tiny->errstr, qr/File '$file' does not exist/,
+ "Got expected error: nonexistent filename provided to read()");
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+# tests for read_string()
+ my ($obj, $str, $yaml);
+ $obj = YAML::Tiny->new();
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $str = join("\n" => ('---', '- foo', '---', '- bar', '---'));
+ $str .= "\n";
+ eval { $yaml = $obj->read_string($str); };
+ ok(! YAML::Tiny->errstr, "\$obj->read_str: No error, as expected");
+ isa_ok( $yaml, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+ my ($obj, $str, $yaml);
+ $obj = YAML::Tiny->new();
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $str = "--\n";
+ eval { $yaml = $obj->read_string($str); };
+ like(
+ YAML::Tiny->errstr,
+ qr/YAML::Tiny found illegal characters in plain scalar/,
+ "Illegal characters in plain scalar"
+ );
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+ my ($obj, $str, $yaml);
+ $obj = YAML::Tiny->new();
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $str = join("\n" => ('---', '- foo', '---', '- bar', '---'));
+ eval { $yaml = $obj->read_string($str); };
+ like(YAML::Tiny->errstr, qr/Stream does not end with newline character/,
+ "Got expected error: stream did not end with newline");
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+ my ($obj, $str, $yaml);
+ $obj = YAML::Tiny->new();
+ isa_ok( $obj, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $str = join("\n" => ('# comment', '---', '- foo', '---', '- bar', '---'));
+ $str .= "\n";
+ eval { $yaml = $obj->read_string($str); };
+ ok(! YAML::Tiny->errstr, "\$obj->read_str: No error, as expected");
+ isa_ok( $yaml, 'YAML::Tiny' );
+ $YAML::Tiny::errstr = '';
+ my $scalar = 'this is a string';
+ my $arrayref = [ 1 .. 5 ];
+ my $hashref = { alpha => 'beta', gamma => 'delta' };
+ my $yamldump = YAML::Tiny::Dump( $scalar, $arrayref, $hashref );
+ my @yamldocsloaded = YAML::Tiny::Load($yamldump);
+ is_deeply(
+ [ @yamldocsloaded ],
+ [ $scalar, $arrayref, $hashref ],
+ "Functional interface: Dump to Load roundtrip works as expected"
+ );
+ my $scalar = 'this is a string';
+ my $arrayref = [ 1 .. 5 ];
+ my $hashref = { alpha => 'beta', gamma => 'delta' };
+ my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile;
+ my $rv = YAML::Tiny::DumpFile(
+ $filename, $scalar, $arrayref, $hashref);
+ ok($rv, "DumpFile returned true value");
+ my @yamldocsloaded = YAML::Tiny::LoadFile($filename);
+ is_deeply(
+ [ @yamldocsloaded ],
+ [ $scalar, $arrayref, $hashref ],
+ "Functional interface: DumpFile to LoadFile roundtrip works as expected"
+ );
+ my $str = "This is not real YAML";
+ my @yamldocsloaded;
+ eval { @yamldocsloaded = YAML::Tiny::Load("$str\n"); };
+ like(YAML::Tiny->errstr,
+ qr/YAML::Tiny failed to classify line '$str'/,
+ "Correctly failed to load non-YAML string"
+ );