Thanks for the help. This a problem working with data from ancient systems. I be investigating further to see how big the problem is and how robust the workaround needs to be.
Like I said earlier. Date::Manip is a really nice product.
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On 09/ott/2013, at 12:59, "Sullivan Beck via RT" <> wrote:
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> You can always use the unix 'zdump' utility (and Date::Manip comes with an equivalent utility dm_zdump) to check the critical dates in whatever timezone you're working with.
> Since it IS a change, a well-configured system should never have produced that date. If it did... well, you will need to figure out how you want to interpret them knowing that they are invalid.
> One possibility would be to work in the UTC timezone which will ignore all DST transitions. That may be the easiest thing to do.