Subject: | HTML-Like labels not well supported | version 2.01
perl, v5.8.0 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
linux 2.4.20-31.9 RedHat 9
given a graph $g, the following instruction
$g->add_node('GOroot', label => '<<FONT COLOR=red>root</FONT>>', shape => 'plaintext');
should produce something like:
graph test {
GOroot [label=<<font color="red">root</font>>, shape="plaintext"];
With the latest version of (2.01), we have:
graph test {
GOroot [label="\<\<font color=\"red\"\>root\</font\>\>", shape="plaintext"];
Several problems can be noticed:
* characters < and > should not be escaped
* the label value should not be between double quotes
I've change two lines in to correct this:
* to avoid unwanted escape in case of plaintext node shape with HTML-Like labels:
in add_node: $node->{label} =~ s#([|<>\[\]{}"])#\\$1#g unless $node->{shape} && $node->{shape} eq 'record';
becomes: $node->{label} =~ s#([|<>\[\]{}"])#\\$1#g unless $node->{shape} && ($node->{shape} eq 'record' || ($node->{label} =~ /^<</ && $node->{shape} eq 'plaintext'));
* to avoid double quotes for these paticular labels:
in the _attributes function: $value = '"' . $value . '"';
becomes: $value = '"' . $value . '"' unless ($key eq 'label' && $value =~ /^<</);
It seems to work, but perhaps isn't it the best way to solve the problem ?