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This queue is for tickets about the App-FatPacker CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 89022
Status: open
Priority: 0/
Queue: App-FatPacker

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: DATA [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: fatpack fails if a path in @INC contains symlinks
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2013 09:49:18 +0200
To: bug-App-FatPacker [...]
From: Danijel Tasov <data [...]>
Hi, mentioned that in #toolchain already, so before it get lost: <DaTa> mst: any hint what could be wrong when "fatpack packlists-for `cat fatpacker.trace`" doesn't print anything? <DaTa> well, it's not missing .packlist files, i have a lot of them <DaTa> ah, the problem is, that /home is a symlink to /export/home <DaTa> perl was built with prefix /home/... but Cwd::abs_path results in /export/home/... so, %found is empty <DaTa> withouth Cwd::abs_path it works for me <DaTa> mst: i believe that should fix it: <mst> DaTa: huh. you had relative paths in @INC ? <DaTa> mst: i've installed with prefix /home/danielt/... but /home is a symlink to /export/home <DaTa> s/installed/$& perl/ <mst> ahh <mst> that can fail via EACCES though <mst> so I think you actually want abs_path($_)||$_ Well, i'm unsure about that EACCES thing, so I leave it open, the old code already uses abs_path, so that could fail with EACCES too? Danijel Tasov <>

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This bug also impacts Carton and probably any tip of the toolchain tools using FatPack. Cross filing the bug I just entered for Carton which is most certainly related. It's probably not common to install FatPacked toolchain tools into symlinked locations, but not uncommon as /tmp is often symlinked some where else to save space on dev systems where lots of "stuff" get's downloaded and installed by things like cpanm.
Subject: [ #89022] fatpack fails if a path in @INC contains symlinks
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2016 21:10:47 +1200
To: bug-App-FatPacker [...]
From: Roy Storey <kiwiroy [...]>
Hit this bug and have prepared an extended patch (adds testing) to the one already presented. Kind regards