Subject: | Tickit::Widget::Entry text_splice error when insufficient space |
When attempting to edit text in an ::Entry widget with limited space, it appears to throw this error:
TODO: text_splice before window - what to do??
I can reproduce this reliably using the following:
perl -MTickit::DSL -e'hbox { entry { } text => "x"; placeholder "parent:expand" => 1 }; tickit->run'
and typing two characters: the first is fine, causes the widget to show the '<..' more_left indicator, but the second throws the text_splice error.
I think there are several parts to this:
* should we be triggering a resize in the above situation?
* in low space situations, maybe it's not worth showing the more_left / more_right indicators
* negative values for my $pos_x = $pos_co - $self->{scrolloffs_co}; presumably mean $pos_co is negative or $self->{scrolloffs_co} isn't limited by current position