Subject: | Bug with nisgroup entries in /etc/passwd |
If /etc/passwd contains nis entries, usually of the format:
then a $pw->commit will try to rearrange the order of the passwd file based on uid. Since these entries do not have a uid, this will put the files back in a broken order (since nisentries are order specific).
The attached patch will read in the entries and store in an array. When a commit is made, it will write it back out again in the same order.
Thanks for a very reliable perl module.
*** Tue Dec 14 16:58:14 2004
--- Tue Dec 14 16:58:06 2004
*** 25,30 ****
--- 25,33 ----
# The key is the username and the array contents are the next six fields
# found in the password file.
+ # Used to hold the nis entries, where the username field begins with a +
+ my @nisentries;
# Preloaded methods go here.
# Read the file and build the data structures
*** 33,39 ****
while (<$fh>) {
! $this->user(split /:/);
return 1;
--- 36,46 ----
while (<$fh>) {
! if (/^\+/) {
! push @nisentries, $_;
! } else {
! $this->user(split /:/);
! }
return 1;
*** 119,124 ****
--- 126,134 ----
next if ($user eq "root");
print $fh join(":", $user, $this->user($user)), "\n" or return 0;
+ foreach $_ (@nisentries) {
+ print $fh $_, "\n" or return 0;
+ }
return 1;