Subject: | failure to import symbols into Safe compartments |
Perl 5.16.3, Safe 2.31_01,
The attached code seems to indicates that importing into Safe compartments does not work. This may be related to the fact that this doesn't seem to work either:
{package I; # exports via Exporter::import }
$cpt = Safe->new( 'Safe' );
eval 'package Safe; I->import; ';
while this does
package NonSafe; I->import;
At least according to my tests; perhaps at this late hour I've got it wrong.
Subject: | safe_import.t |
use Test::More;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Fatal;
use Import::Into;
use Safe;
package I;
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT = qw[ i ii ];
sub i { return 'I' }
sub ii { return 'II' }
sub iii { return 'III' }
# Safe compartment
my $cpt = Safe->new( 'AA' );
subtest 'define in Safe package via eval' => sub {
is( exception { eval 'package AA; sub aa { q[AA] } ; 1;' or die $@ },
undef, 'eval' )
or skip 'bad eval', 2;
ok( $cpt->reval( 'exists $::{aa}' ), "exists in symbol table" )
or skip 'bad exists', 1;
is( $cpt->reval( 'aa()' ), 'AA', 'evaluate' );
subtest 'I->import::into Safe package' => sub {
is( exception { I->import::into( 'AA', 'i' ) }, undef, 'import::into' )
or skip "failed import", 2;
ok( $cpt->reval( 'exists $::{i}' ), "exists in symbol table" )
or skip 'bad exists', 1;
is( $cpt->reval( 'i()' ), 'I', 'evaluate sub' );
subtest 'I->import in Safe package via eval' => sub {
is( exception { eval "package AA; I->import( 'ii' ); 1;" or die $@ },
undef, 'eval' )
or skip 'bad eval', 2;
ok( $cpt->reval( 'exists $::{ii}' ), "exists in symbol table" )
or skip 'bad exists', 1;
is( $cpt->reval( 'ii()' ), 'II', 'evaluate sub' );
subtest 'Manipulate Safe Symbol Table directly' => sub {
is( exception { *{AA::iii} = \&I::iii },
undef, 'eval' )
or skip 'bad eval', 2;
ok( $cpt->reval( 'exists $::{iii}' ), "exists in symbol table" )
or skip 'bad exists', 1;
is( $cpt->reval( 'iii()' ), 'III', 'evaluate sub' );
subtest 'I->import::into normal package' => sub {
is( exception { I->import::into( 'BB', 'i' ) }, undef, 'import::into' )
or skip "failed import", 2;
ok( exists $BB::{i}, "exists in symbol table" )
or skip 'bad exists', 1;
is( BB::i->(), 'I', 'evaluate sub' );
subtest 'I->import in normal package via eval' => sub {
is( exception { eval "package BB; I->import( 'ii' ); 1;" or die $@ },
undef, 'eval' )
or skip 'bad eval', 2;
ok( exists $BB::{ii}, "exists in symbol table" )
or skip 'bad exists', 1;
is( BB::ii->(), 'II', 'evaluate sub' );