Subject: | Unreachable code in CPAN::HTTP::Client; bug? |
sub _auth_headers {
my ($self, $uri, $mode) = @_;
# Get names for our mode-specific attributes
my ($type_key, $param_key) = map {"_" . $mode . $_} qw/_type _params/;
# If _prepare_auth has not been called, we can't prepare headers
return unless $self->{$type_key};
# Get user credentials for mode
my $cred_method = "get_" . ($mode ? "proxy" : "non_proxy") ."_credentials";
my ($user, $pass) = return CPAN::HTTP::Credentials->$cred_method;
The previous line returns before assigning to $user and $pass, so the rest of the routine never runs.
# Generate the header for the mode & type
my $header = $mode eq 'proxy' ? 'Proxy-Authorization' : 'Authorization';
my $value_method = "_" . $self->{$type_key} . "_auth";
my $value = $self->$value_method($user, $pass, $self->{$param_key}, $uri);
# If we didn't get a value, we didn't have the right modules available
return $value ? ( $header, $value ) : ();