Subject: | make test fails due to Geo::Coder::Google API changes |
Geo::Coder::Google now defaults to Geo::Coder::Google::V2 (and has done since v0.07) unless the apiver is passed to it in the constructor. This breaks the tests as the local sub overload does not overload Geo::Coder::Google::V2. Patch is as follows:
diff -u t/HTML-GoogleMaps.t ../HTML-GoogleMaps.t
--- t/HTML-GoogleMaps.t 2009-01-08 04:41:40.000000000 +0100
+++ ../HTML-GoogleMaps.t 2013-08-09 09:57:39.000000000 +0200
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
my $map = HTML::GoogleMaps->new(key => 'foo');
no warnings 'redefine';
*Geo::Coder::Google::geocode = sub { +{Point => {coordinates => $stub_loc}} };
+ *Geo::Coder::Google::V2::geocode = sub { +{Point => {coordinates => $stub_loc}} };
$stub_loc = [3463, 3925, 0];
$map->add_marker(point => 'result_democritean');