Subject: | CPAN-Changes test suite doesn't have a test to check Test::CPAN::Changes actually works |
There is no test in the test suite to check that:
1. Test::CPAN::Changes gives a PASS result to change logs conforming to the CPAN::Changes::Spec.
2. Test::CPAN::Changes gives a FAIL result to change logs not conforming to the CPAN::Changes::Spec.
The attached file remedies that.
Running this file shows that Test::CPAN::Changes has the following problems:
1. It produces a PASS result for Changes files containing versions "1.", ".1", "v1.2" and "1.2.3", even though they do not conform to CPAN::Meta::Spec.
2. It produces a PASS for Changes files containing the date "002000-01-14", even though that does not conform to W3CDTF. (IIRC, it conforms to ISO-8601, which is a superset of W3CDTF.)
3. It warns about the date "Sat Jan 8 00:00:00 GMT 2000", which does not conform to W3CDTF, but the result is still reported as a PASS.
Also interesting to note, but probably sensible behaviour: it warns about the date "2000-01-09 00:00:00", even though that technically complies with the CPAN::Changes::Spec if you assume that "00:00:00" is a release note!
Subject: | test-cpan-changes.t |
=head1 PURPOSE
This test file tests that Test::CPAN::Changes correctly detects
Changes files that do/don't conform to the CPAN::Changes::Spec.
=head1 AUTHOR
Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::Tester;
use Test::More 0.96;
use Test::CPAN::Changes;
use File::Temp 'tempfile';
my $str;
while (<DATA>)
unless (/^~~ (\S+): (.+)/)
$str .= $_;
my $type = $1;
my $msg = $2;
# Create a temp file and test it using Test::CPAN::Changes
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile;
print {$fh} $str;
close $fh;
my (undef, @results) = run_tests(sub { changes_file_ok($filename) });
if ($type =~ /Date/)
# We're testing that Test::CPAN::Changes detected an invalid date
ok(!$results[2]{ok}, "$type: $msg");
elsif ($type =~ /Version/)
# We're testing that Test::CPAN::Changes detected an invalid version number
ok(!$results[3]{ok}, "$type: $msg");
elsif ($type =~ /OK/)
# We're testing that Test::CPAN::Changes accepted the changelog
ok($results[1]{ok} && $results[2]{ok} && $results[3]{ok}, "$type: $msg");
BAIL_OUT("something wrong in __DATA__");
# Clean up
$str = '';
unlink $filename;
1.23_04_05 2000-01-01
~~ Version: "1.23_04_05" does not conform to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
1. 2000-01-02
~~ Version: "1." does not conform to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
.1 2000-01-03
~~ Version: ".1" does not conform to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
v1.2 2000-01-04
~~ Version: "v1.2" does not conform to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
1.2.3 2000-01-05
~~ Version: "1.2.3" does not conform to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
v1.2_3_4 2000-01-06
~~ Version: "v1.2_3_4" does not conform to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
1.200 7-1-2000
~~ Date: "7-1-2000" does not conform to W3CDTF
1.200 Sat Jan 8 00:00:00 GMT 2000
~~ Date: "Sat" does not conform to W3CDTF (note that "Jan 8 00:00:00 GMT 2000" should technically be considered the release note!)
1.200 2000-01-09 00:00:00
~~ OK: "2000-01-09" conforms to W3CDTF (note that "00:00:00" should technically be considered the release note!)
1.200 2000-01
~~ OK: "2000-01" conforms to W3CDTF
1.200 2000
~~ OK: "2000" conforms to W3CDTF
1.200 2000-01-12T00:00:00.00000000000000000000Z
~~ OK: "2000-01-13T00:00:00.00000000000000000000Z" conforms to W3CDTF
1.200 00-01-13
~~ Date: "00-01-13" does not conform to W3CDTF
1.200 002000-01-14
~~ Date: "002000-01-14" does not conform to W3CDTF
1.234 2000-01-15
~~ OK: "1.234" conforms to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
1.23_04 2000-01-16
~~ OK: "1.23_04" conforms to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
v1.2.3 2000-01-17
~~ OK: "v1.2.3" conforms to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
v1.2_3 2000-01-18
~~ OK: "v1.2_3" conforms to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
v1.2.3.4 2000-01-19
~~ OK: "v1.2.3.4" conforms to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
v1.2.3_4 2000-01-20
~~ OK: "v1.2.3_4" conforms to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
v2000.01.21 2000-01-21
~~ OK: "v2000.01.21" conforms to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format
v1.2000.01.22 2000-01-21
~~ OK: "v1.2000.01.22" conforms to CPAN::Meta::Spec's version format (even though it is discouraged)