Subject: | Minor bug and update in KEGGI::ko |
Date: | Mon, 15 Jul 2013 18:33:56 +0200 |
To: | bug-Bio-KEGGI [...] |
From: | Hazem Sharaf <h_sharaf [...]> |
Dear Haizhou,
Hope everything is good on your side.
While parsing orthologs from KEGG website retrieved through REST, I found a
minor bug where a pathway id is retrieved with koXXXX for the first one,
and then only the number for subsequent ones.
Also I found out in some instances an extra pathway id is added that is not
included in the file. After checking it out, it turns out to be from the
new BRITE section included in the updated new KO files on KEGG.
An example being K01519
The output of the following code snippet is:
my $pathway = $kegg->pathway;
print join(" ", @{$pathway}),"\n";
ko00230 00240 00983 01000
I am using the latest package version 0.1.5 on perl 5.14.2.
I have attached a copy of my modifications as a modified and a
Hazem Sharaf
Graduate Student
Biotechnology Program
American University in Cairo
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