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This queue is for tickets about the Type-Tiny CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 86004
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Type-Tiny

Owner: perl [...]
Requestors: djerius [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: 0.007_03
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: type constraint fails after coercion if too many elements in Dict
Ok, that subject line is not helpful, I know. I've attached code which shows the problem. I'm coercing a Str into an ArrayRef in a slurpy Dict. If the Dict has more than two elements in the specification, after a coercion I get a type constraint error. Passing an ArrayRef instead of a Str (bypassing the coercion) or removing an element makes the error go away. Here's what I get: $ perl ok 1 - StrList ArrayRef # {"connect" => 1,"encoding" => undef,"hg" => ["a"]} did not pass type constraint "Dict[connect=>Optional[Bool],encoding=>Optional[Str],hg=>Optional[StrList]]" (in $SLURPY) at line 59. not ok 2 - StrList scalar # Failed test 'StrList scalar' # at line 62. # Structures begin differing at: # $got = undef # $expected = HASH(0x116c0d0) ok 3 - StrList ArrayRef ok 4 - StrList scalar 1..4 # Looks like you failed 1 test of 4. $ Tests 3 & 4 are duplicates of 1 & 2, but with two elements in the Dict instead of three.
use strict; use warnings; package Types { use Type::Library -base, -declare => qw[ StrList ]; use Type::Utils; use Types::Standard qw[ ArrayRef Str ]; declare StrList, as ArrayRef [Str]; coerce StrList, from Str, '[$_]'; } use Test::More; use Test::Fatal; use Type::Params qw[ validate ]; use Types::Standard -all; sub a { validate( \@_, slurpy Dict [ connect => Optional [Bool], encoding => Optional [Str], hg => Optional [Types::StrList], ] ); } sub b { validate( \@_, slurpy Dict [ connect => Optional [Bool], hg => Optional [Types::StrList], ] ); } my $expect = { connect => 1, hg => ['a'] }; { my ( $opts, $e ); $e = exception { ( $opts ) = a( connect => 1, hg => ['a'] ) } and diag $e; is_deeply( $opts, $expect, "StrList ArrayRef" ); } { my ( $opts, $e ); $e = exception { ( $opts ) = a( connect => 1, hg => 'a' ) } and diag $e; is_deeply( $opts, $expect, "StrList scalar" ); } { my ( $opts, $e ); $e = exception { ( $opts ) = b( connect => 1, hg => ['a'] ) } and diag $e; is_deeply( $opts, $expect, "StrList ArrayRef" ); } { my ( $opts, $e ); $e = exception { ( $opts ) = b( connect => 1, hg => 'a' ) } and diag $e; is_deeply( $opts, $expect, "StrList scalar" ); } done_testing;
Patched in repo.
0.007_04 fixes this issue. Not sure when the next stable release will be yet. Soonish.
Thanks, that fixed it.
Fixed in 0.008.