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This queue is for tickets about the Tk CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 8567
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Tk

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: doug [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: 804.027
Fixed in: 804.027_500

Subject: Tk::Notebook loosing pages
Using Perl v5.8.5 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread compiled natively under Windows using VC++ 6, I had a problem when using the Tk::Notebook delete method. I would delete a tab called "9", and it would remove it from the application and also remove from the @{$w->{'windows'}} array. The problem is that it would also remove some tabs called "10-19" and "20-29" from the array, but not from the actual application. I realized that it really wasn't deleting them, but in the delete method, it rebuilds the array excluding the specified name. By changing the line: @{$w->{'windows'}} = grep($_ !~ /$child/, @{$w->{'windows'}}); to: @{$w->{'windows'}} = grep($_ !~ /^$child$/, @{$w->{'windows'}}); it forces and exact match and doesn't exclude my "10-19" and "20-29". I hope this is descriptive enough. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Thanks, Doug
package Tk::NoteBook; # # Implementation of NoteBook widget. # Derived from NoteBook.tcl in Tix 4.0 # Contributed by Rajappa Iyer <> # Hacked by Nick for 'menu' traversal. # Restructured by Nick use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #9 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/; require Tk::NBFrame; use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::NBFrame); Tk::Widget->Construct('NoteBook'); use strict; use Tk qw(Ev); use Carp; require Tk::Frame; sub TraverseToNoteBook; sub ClassInit { my ($class,$mw) = @_; # class binding does not work right due to extra level of # widget hierachy $mw->bind($class,'<ButtonPress-1>', ['MouseDown',Ev('x'),Ev('y')]); $mw->bind($class,'<ButtonRelease-1>', ['MouseUp',Ev('x'),Ev('y')]); $mw->bind($class,'<B1-Motion>', ['MouseDown',Ev('x'),Ev('y')]); $mw->bind($class,'<Left>', ['FocusNext','prev']); $mw->bind($class,'<Right>', ['FocusNext','next']); $mw->bind($class,'<Return>', 'SetFocusByKey'); $mw->bind($class,'<space>', 'SetFocusByKey'); return $class; } sub raised { return shift->{'topchild'}; } sub Populate { my ($w, $args) = @_; $w->SUPER::Populate($args); $w->{'pad-x1'} = undef; $w->{'pad-x2'} = undef; $w->{'pad-y1'} = undef; $w->{'pad-y2'} = undef; $w->{'windows'} = []; $w->{'nWindows'} = 0; $w->{'minH'} = 1; $w->{'minW'} = 1; $w->{'counter'} = 0; $w->{'resize'} = 0; $w->ConfigSpecs(-ipadx => ['PASSIVE', 'ipadX', 'Pad', 0], -ipady => ['PASSIVE', 'ipadY', 'Pad', 0], -takefocus => ['SELF', 'takeFocus', 'TakeFocus', 0], -dynamicgeometry => ['PASSIVE', 'dynamicGeometry', 'DynamicGeometry', 0]); # SetBindings $w->bind('<Configure>','MasterGeomProc'); $args->{-slave} = 1; $args->{-takefocus} = 1; $args->{-relief} = 'raised'; $w->QueueResize; } #--------------------------- # Public methods #--------------------------- sub page_widget { my $w = shift; $w->{'_pages_'} = {} unless exists $w->{'_pages_'}; my $h = $w->{'_pages_'}; if (@_) { my $name = shift; if (@_) { my $cw = shift; if (defined $cw) { $h->{$name} = $cw; } else { return delete $h->{$name}; } } return $h->{$name}; } else { return (values %$h); } } sub add { my ($w, $child, %args) = @_; croak("$child already exists") if defined $w->page_widget($child); my $f = Tk::Frame->new($w,Name => $child,-relief => 'raised'); my $ccmd = delete $args{-createcmd}; my $rcmd = delete $args{-raisecmd}; $f->{-createcmd} = Tk::Callback->new($ccmd) if (defined $ccmd); $f->{-raisecmd} = Tk::Callback->new($rcmd) if (defined $rcmd); # manage our geometry $w->ManageGeometry($f); # create default bindings $f->bind('<Configure>',[$w,'ClientGeomProc','-configure', $f]); $f->bind('<Destroy>', [$w,'delete',$child,1]); $w->page_widget($child,$f); $w->{'nWindows'}++; push(@{$w->{'windows'}}, $child); $w->SUPER::add($child,%args); return $f; } sub raise { my ($w, $child) = @_; return unless defined $child; if ($w->pagecget($child, -state) eq 'normal') { $w->activate($child); $w->focus($child); my $childw = $w->page_widget($child); if ($childw) { if (defined $childw->{-createcmd}) { $childw->{-createcmd}->Call($childw); delete $childw->{-createcmd}; } # hide the original visible window my $oldtop = $w->{'topchild'}; if (defined($oldtop) && ($oldtop ne $child)) { $w->page_widget($oldtop)->UnmapWindow; } $w->{'topchild'} = $child; my $myW = $w->Width; my $myH = $w->Height; if (!defined $w->{'pad-x1'}) { $w->InitTabSize; } my $cW = $myW - $w->{'pad-x1'} - $w->{'pad-x2'} - 2 * (defined $w->{-ipadx} ? $w->{-ipadx} : 0); my $cH = $myH - $w->{'pad-y1'} - $w->{'pad-y2'} - 2 * (defined $w->{-ipady} ? $w->{-ipady} : 0); my $cX = $w->{'pad-x1'} + (defined $w->{-ipadx} ? $w->{-ipadx} : 0); my $cY = $w->{'pad-y1'} + (defined $w->{-ipady} ? $w->{-ipady} : 0); if ($cW > 0 && $cH > 0) { $childw->MoveResizeWindow($cX, $cY, $cW, $cH); $childw->MapWindow; $childw->raise; } if ((not defined $oldtop) || ($oldtop ne $child)) { if (defined $childw->{-raisecmd}) { $childw->{-raisecmd}->Call($childw); } } } } } sub pageconfigure { my ($w, $child, %args) = @_; my $childw = $w->page_widget($child); if (defined $childw) { my $ccmd = delete $args{-createcmd}; my $rcmd = delete $args{-raisecmd}; $childw->{-createcmd} = Tk::Callback->new($ccmd) if (defined $ccmd); $childw->{-raisecmd} = Tk::Callback->new($rcmd) if (defined $rcmd); $w->SUPER::pageconfigure($child, %args) if (keys %args); } } sub pages { my ($w) = @_; return @{$w->{'windows'}}; } sub pagecget { my ($w, $child, $opt) = @_; my $childw = $w->page_widget($child); if (defined $childw) { return $childw->{-createcmd} if ($opt =~ /-createcmd/); return $childw->{-raisecmd} if ($opt =~ /-raisecmd/); return $w->SUPER::pagecget($child, $opt); } else { carp "page $child does not exist"; } } sub delete { my ($w, $child, $destroy) = @_; my $childw = $w->page_widget($child,undef); if (defined $childw) { $childw->bind('<Destroy>', undef); $childw->destroy; @{$w->{'windows'}} = grep($_ !~ /^$child$/, @{$w->{'windows'}}); $w->{'nWindows'}--; $w->SUPER::delete($child); # see if the child to be deleted was the top child if ((defined $w->{'topchild'}) && ($w->{'topchild'} eq $child)) { delete $w->{'topchild'}; if ( @{$w->{'windows'}}) { $w->raise($w->{'windows'}[0]); } } } else { carp "page $child does not exist" unless $destroy; } } #--------------------------------------- # Private methods #--------------------------------------- sub MouseDown { my ($w, $x, $y) = @_; my $name = $w->identify($x, $y); $w->focus($name); $w->{'down'} = $name; } sub MouseUp { my ($w, $x, $y) = @_; my $name = $w->identify($x, $y); if ((defined $name) && (defined $w->{'down'}) && ($name eq $w->{'down'}) && ($w->pagecget($name, -state) eq 'normal')) { $w->raise($name); } else { $w->focus($name); } } sub FocusNext { my ($w, $dir) = @_; my $name; if (not defined $w->info('focus')) { $name = $w->info('active'); $w->focus($name); } else { $name = $w->info('focus' . $dir); $w->focus($name); } } sub SetFocusByKey { my ($w) = @_; my $name = $w->info('focus'); if (defined $name) { if ($w->pagecget($name, -state) eq 'normal') { $w->raise($name); $w->activate($name); } } } sub NoteBookFind { my ($w, $char) = @_; my $page; foreach $page (@{$w->{'windows'}}) { my $i = $w->pagecget($page, -underline); my $c = substr($page, $i, 1); if ($char =~ /$c/) { if ($w->pagecget($page, -state) ne 'disabled') { return $page; } } } return undef; } # This is called by TraveseToMenu when an <Alt-Keypress> occurs # See the code in sub FindMenu { my ($w, $char) = @_; my $page; foreach $page (@{$w->{'windows'}}) { my $i = $w->pagecget($page, -underline); my $l = $w->pagecget($page, -label); next if (not defined $l); my $c = substr($l, $i, 1); if ($char =~ /$c/i) { if ($w->pagecget($page, -state) ne 'disabled') { $w->raise($page); return $w; } } } return undef; } sub MasterGeomProc { my ($w) = @_; if (Tk::Exists($w)) { $w->{'resize'} = 0 unless (defined $w->{'resize'}); $w->QueueResize; } } sub SlaveGeometryRequest { my $w = shift; if (Tk::Exists($w)) { $w->QueueResize; } } sub LostSlave { my ($w, $s) = @_; $s->UnmapWindow; } sub ClientGeomProc { my ($w, $flag, $client) = @_; $w->QueueResize if (Tk::Exists($w)); if ($flag =~ /-lostslave/) { carp "Geometry Management Error: Another geometry manager has taken control of $client. This error is usually caused because a widget has been created in the wrong frame: it should have been created inside $client instead of $w"; } } sub QueueResize { my $w = shift; $w->afterIdle(['Resize', $w]) unless ($w->{'resize'}++); } sub Resize { my ($w) = @_; return unless Tk::Exists($w) && $w->{'nWindows'} && $w->{'resize'}; $w->InitTabSize; $w->{'resize'} = 0; my $reqW = $w->{-width} || 0; my $reqH = $w->{-height} || 0; if ($reqW * $reqH == 0) { if ((not defined $w->{-dynamicgeometry}) || ($w->{-dynamicgeometry} == 0)) { $reqW = 1; $reqH = 1; my $childw; foreach $childw ($w->page_widget) { my $cW = $childw->ReqWidth; my $cH = $childw->ReqHeight; $reqW = $cW if ($reqW < $cW); $reqH = $cH if ($reqH < $cH); } } else { if (defined $w->{'topchild'}) { my $topw = $w->page_widget($w->{'topchild'}); $reqW = $topw->ReqWidth; $reqH = $topw->ReqHeight; } else { $reqW = 1; $reqH = 1; } } $reqW += $w->{'pad-x1'} + $w->{'pad-x2'} + 2 * (defined $w->{-ipadx} ? $w->{-ipadx} : 0); $reqH += $w->{'pad-y1'} + $w->{'pad-y2'} + 2 * (defined $w->{-ipady} ? $w->{-ipady} : 0); $reqW = ($reqW > $w->{'minW'}) ? $reqW : $w->{'minW'}; $reqH = ($reqH > $w->{'minH'}) ? $reqH : $w->{'minH'}; } if (($w->ReqWidth != $reqW) || ($w->ReqHeight != $reqH)) { $w->{'counter'} = 0 if (not defined $w->{'counter'}); if ($w->{'counter'} < 50) { $w->{'counter'}++; $w->GeometryRequest($reqW, $reqH); $w->afterIdle([$w,'Resize']); $w->{'resize'} = 1; return; } } $w->{'counter'} = 0; $w->raise($w->{'topchild'} || ${$w->{'windows'}}[0]); $w->{'resize'} = 0; } sub InitTabSize { my ($w) = @_; my ($tW, $tH) = $w->geometryinfo; $w->{'pad-x1'} = 2; $w->{'pad-x2'} = 2; $w->{'pad-y1'} = $tH + (defined $w->{'-ipadx'} ? $w->{'-ipadx'} : 0) + 1; $w->{'pad-y2'} = 2; $w->{'minW'} = $tW; $w->{'minH'} = $tH; } 1; __END__ =cut
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 12:49:58 -0800
From: Ilya Zakharevich <nospam-abuse [...]>
To: Guest via RT <bug-Tk [...]>
Subject: Re: [cpan #8567] Tk::Notebook loosing pages
On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 05:53:09PM -0500, Guest via RT wrote: Show quoted text
> Using Perl v5.8.5 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread compiled
natively under Windows using VC++ 6, I had a problem when using the Tk::Notebook delete method. I would delete a tab called "9", and it would remove it from the application and also remove from the @{$w->{'windows'}} array. The problem is that it would also remove some tabs called "10-19" and "20-29" from the array, but not from the actual application. I realized that it really wasn't deleting them, but in the delete method, it rebuilds the array excluding the specified name. By changing the line: Show quoted text
> > @{$w->{'windows'}} = grep($_ !~ /$child/, @{$w->{'windows'}}); > to: > @{$w->{'windows'}} = grep($_ !~ /^$child$/, @{$w->{'windows'}}); > > it forces and exact match and doesn't exclude my "10-19" and "20-29".
No, it does not force an exact match. It should be grep($_ ne $child, ... (if $child is a string, not a REx; if $child is a REx, you need parens between ^ and $). Hope this helps, Ilya
On Mon Nov 22 17:53:03 2004, guest wrote: Show quoted text
> Using Perl v5.8.5 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread compiled natively > under Windows using VC++ 6, I had a problem when using the > Tk::Notebook delete method. I would delete a tab called "9", and > it would remove it from the application and also remove from the > @{$w->{'windows'}} array. The problem is that it would also remove > some tabs called "10-19" and "20-29" from the array, but not from > the actual application. I realized that it really wasn't deleting > them, but in the delete method, it rebuilds the array excluding the > specified name. By changing the line: > > @{$w->{'windows'}} = grep($_ !~ /$child/, @{$w->{'windows'}}); > to: > @{$w->{'windows'}} = grep($_ !~ /^$child$/, @{$w->{'windows'}}); > > it forces and exact match and doesn't exclude my "10-19" and "20-29". > > I hope this is descriptive enough. Please feel free to contact me > with any questions. > > Thanks, > Doug
Here's a script which demonstrates the problem: use Tk; use Tk::NoteBook; $top = new MainWindow; $w = $top->NoteBook->pack; for (0..20) { $w->add($_, -label => $_); } warn join(",",$w->pages); $w->delete("1"); warn join(",",$w->pages); MainLoop; __END__ Output: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20 at /tmp/ line 23. 0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,20 at /tmp/ line 25.