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This queue is for tickets about the Test-Whitespaces CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 85579
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Test-Whitespaces

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: rob [...]

Bug Information
Severity: Normal
Broken in: 0.03
Fixed in: 0.05

Subject: Test::Whitespaces fails to install on 5.18.0
Installing Test::Whitespaces fails to install on perl 5.18.0: t/_print_diff.t ........ 1/? # Failed test '_print_diff()' # at t/_print_diff.t line 62. Wide character in print at /home/rob/.perlbrew/perls/5.18/lib/5.18.0/Test/ line 1759. # got: '# line 1: ..._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________\n # ' # expected: '# line 1: ..._______________________________________________________________\n # ' # Looks like you failed 1 test of 14. Tested on Mac OS X and Arch Linux.
Rob, than you for this ticket! I have released new version of Test::Whitespaces (0.04), I've fixed that test in perl 5.18, but broke it in 5.12 =( See screenshot in the attachement with test results will different versions of Perl. I'm leaving this issue opened untill this bug is solved in all Perl versions.
Subject: tw004.png
Download tw004.png
image/png 227.6k
At last I've fixed this problem. =) I've released new version of Test::Whitespaces 0.05 that works ok on all modern Perl versions. Here is the scrrenshot of running tests on lot of Perl versions with perlbrew: CPANTS testing showed that this distro has problems with Perl 5.6 (, but this is a different issue. The problem with Perl 5.6 is written down as the GitHub issue: (I hope oneday I will fix it) So I'm closing this ticket. Rob, than you! =)