"Alex Efros via RT" <bug-DBIx-SecureCGI@rt.cpan.org> writes:
Show quoted text> <URL:
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=85450 >
> Hi!
> The problem isn't in 'Makefile.PL not uptodate wrt Build.PL'.
> Thing is, Makefile.PL created and updated automatically, but it doesn't
> include "test_requires" dependencies from Build.PL, only "requires"
> dependencies are included.
Show quoted text> I don't think moving "test_requires" dependencies to "requires" is good
> idea, for obvious reason.
Not sure.
Show quoted text> I don't sure is absence of "test_requires" dependencies in Makefile.PL
> mean bug in Module::Build.
Show quoted text> Actually I prefer to not use Makefile.PL at all, because providing two
> different ways to do same task is asking for troubles, even when one of
> ways is autogenerated from another way. But I've noticed many CPAN Testers
> doesn't recognize Build.PL and try to run `make` even when there is no
> Makefile.PL file.
Really? Give me example test report. I haven't seen this, at least not
in the last one or two years.
Show quoted text> For me, it looks like _this_ is real issue to solve
> here, but I've no control over platform used by CPAN Testers.
> So, what is best way to solve this issue?
Preferred (by me) is to remove Makefile.PL. And report it when a cpan
tester cannot deal with it.