Subject: | tests hang |
C:\strawberry5162\cpan\build\HTTP-ProxySelector-Persistent-0.02-WuL3Ao>perl -Mblib -T t\00-unit_tests.t
ok 1 - use LWP::UserAgent;
ok 2 - use BerkeleyDB;
ok 3 - use Date::Manip;
ok 4 - use HTTP::ProxySelector::Persistent;
ok 5 - use Cwd;
# Testing HTTP::ProxySelector::Persistent 0.02, Perl 5.016002, C:\strawberry5162
ok 6 - Instantiated the HTTP::ProxySelector::Persistent object for the proxylist
parsing test
ok 7 - HTTP::ProxySelector::Persistent->new(): Errors: HTTP::ProxySelector::Persistent=HASH(0xd55d8c) isa HTTP::ProxySelector::Persistent
ok 8 - The HTTP::ProxySelector::Persistent->new() call created a new proxy database file
ok 9 - Constructed the LWP::UserAgent used to check the proxies parsed by the HTTP::ProxySelector::Persistent
ok 10 - Successfully downloaded the verification copy of the 1st proxylist
ok 11 - Cache database contains the same number of proxy servers as the verification proxy list copy
Alexandr Ciornii,