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This queue is for tickets about the libwww-perl CPAN distribution.

Report information
The Basics
Id: 85279
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: libwww-perl

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: justincase [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
Broken in: (no value)
Fixed in: (no value)

Subject: Add option or example to mimic how browser's handle redirection from a POST
Most browsers will convert a POST to a GET when they encounter a redirect. LWP does not do this. If it encounters a redirect from a POST, and the POST method is in the list of requests_redirectable, it propagates the POST to the redirected url. This is unexpected behavior when trying to automate browser tasks. Please consider adding an option to mimic the standard behavior of browsers, or include an example in the docs on how to accomplish this using the handlers.
From: justincase [...]
On Tue May 14 05:37:10 2013, justincase wrote: Show quoted text
> Most browsers will convert a POST to a GET when they encounter a > redirect. LWP does not do this. If it encounters a redirect from a > POST, and the POST method is in the list of requests_redirectable, > it propagates the POST to the redirected url. This is unexpected > behavior when trying to automate browser tasks. Please consider > adding an option to mimic the standard behavior of browsers, or > include an example in the docs on how to accomplish this using the > handlers.
Please close this ticket. It works as expected.
Subject: http.t
$| = 1; # autoflush require IO::Socket; # make sure this work before we try to make a HTTP::Daemon # First we make ourself a daemon in another process my $D = shift || ''; if ($D eq 'daemon') { require HTTP::Daemon; my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(Timeout => 10); print "Please to meet you at: <URL:", $d->url, ">\n"; open(STDOUT, $^O eq 'VMS'? ">nl: " : ">/dev/null"); while ($c = $d->accept) { $r = $c->get_request; if ($r) { my $p = ($r->uri->path_segments)[1]; my $func = lc("httpd_" . $r->method . "_$p"); if (defined &$func) { &$func($c, $r); } else { $c->send_error(404); } } $c = undef; # close connection } print STDERR "HTTP Server terminated\n"; exit; } else { use Config; use FindBin; my $perl = $Config{'perlpath'}; $perl = $^X if $^O eq 'VMS' or -x $^X and $^X =~ m,^([a-z]:)?/,i; open(DAEMON, "$perl $FindBin::Bin/$FindBin::Script daemon |") or die "Can't exec daemon: $!"; } use Test::More; my $greeting = <DAEMON>; $greeting =~ /(<[^>]+>)/; require URI; my $base = URI->new($1); sub url { my $u = URI->new(@_); $u = $u->abs($_[1]) if @_ > 1; $u->as_string; } print "Will access HTTP server at $base\n"; require LWP::UserAgent; require HTTP::Request; $ua = new LWP::UserAgent; $ua->agent("Mozilla/0.01 " . $ua->agent); push @{ $ua->requests_redirectable }, 'POST'; sub httpd_get_echo { my($c, $req) = @_; $c->send_basic_header(200); print $c "Content-Type: message/http\015\012"; $c->send_crlf; print $c $req->as_string; } *httpd_post_echo = \&httpd_get_echo; sub httpd_get_redirect { my($c) = @_; $c->send_redirect("/echo/foo?a=1&b=2", 302); } sub httpd_post_redirect { my($c) = @_; $c->send_redirect("/echo/foo?a=1&b=2", 302); } $req = new HTTP::Request GET => url("/redirect/foo", $base); $res = $ua->request($req); is($res->request->uri->path, '/echo/foo', 'redirected GET path'); is($res->request->uri->query, 'a=1&b=2', 'redirect GET query'); $req = new HTTP::Request POST => url("/redirect/foo", $base); $req->content_type("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); $req->content("foo=bar&bar=test"); $res = $ua->request($req); is($res->request->uri->path, '/echo/foo', 'redirected POST path'); is($res->request->uri->query, 'a=1&b=2', 'redirected POST query'); is($res->request->method, 'GET', 'redirected POST method'); done_testing;