Subject: | possible regexp error in File::Util::readlimit |
Date: | Thu, 9 May 2013 08:50:22 +0200 |
To: | bug-File-Util [...] |
From: | Luca Ferrari <fluca1978 [...]> |
I found that the File::Util::readlimit method checks for its
(numerical) argument against a \D regexp, which matches any non-digit
characters, but the match is then negated, making the method to throw
an error on any numerical argument.
A way to produce the bug is the following:
my $handle_file = new File::Util;
my $max_file_size = int( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 );
$handle_file->readlimit( $max_file_size );
that produces the error trace that follows:
Bad call to File::Util::readlimit(). This method can only be called with
a numeric value (bytes). Non-integer numbers will be converted to integer
format if specified (numbers like 5.2), but don't do that, it's inefficient.
This operation aborted.
Origin: This is a human error.
Solution: A human must fix the programming flaw.
ARG _pak = File::Util
ARG bad = 1073741824
1. File::Util::_throw
-called at line (1518) of /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/File/
-was called with args
-was not called to evaluate anything
2. File::Util::readlimit
-called at line (16) of
-was called with args
-was not called to evaluate anything
and going to the source code of readlimit it shows that:
sub readlimit {
my $arg = _myargs( @_ );
if ( defined $arg ) {
return File::Util->new()->_throw
'bad readlimit' => { bad => $arg }
) if $arg !~ /\D/o;
$READLIMIT = $arg;
return $READLIMIT;
there is the error returning condition based on the "not" "\D". On the
other hand, passing a non-numerical value to readlimit makes the
routine to work, while of course the other features of File::Util will
Hope this helps.