Subject: | Module doesn't install |
XML::DTD passes all of its tests, and thus your distribution is marked as working on Windows by Cpan Testers. However, it won't install on my machine. 'dmake install' fails with the following:
Too many arguments at -e line 1.
dmake.exe: Error code 255, while making 'pure_site_install'
C:\strawberry\c\bin\dmake.exe install UNINST=1 -- NOT OK
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'W/WO/WOHL/XML-DTD-0.10.tar.gz'.
Looking at your Makefile.PL, I see you customized your installation procedure, and in a way that I can't wrap my head around. I see that it uses 'sed', which isn't even installed on Windows.
I changed the Makefile.PL to be the following, and it installed perfectly fine:
use 5.008;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
'NAME' => 'XML::DTD',
'VERSION_FROM' => 'lib/XML/',
'ABSTRACT_FROM' => 'lib/XML/',
'AUTHOR' => 'Brendt Wohlberg <>',
'EXE_FILES' => [
'PREREQ_PM' => {Getopt::Long => 0,
File::Temp => 0,
URI::file => 0,
LWP::Simple => 0,
Error => 0},
'NO_META' => 1