Documentation in
0.12/lib/Data/ doesn't say anything about the OTHER required
constructor: the logger.
ddiederich@eriador:~/iter (data-persist)$ cat p3
use Data::Persist;
my $state = Data::Persist->new(filename => '/home/dana/p3.conf');
ddiederich@eriador:~/iter (data-persist)$ perl p3
Attribute (logger) is required at constructor Data::Persist::new
(defined at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/Data/ line 113) line
Data::Persist::new('Data::Persist', 'filename',
'/home/dana/p3.conf') called at p3 line 5
ddiederich@eriador:~/iter (data-persist)$
I understand that requirement comes from
with qw(Log::Tree::RequiredLogger);
But it would be nice for that to be in the POD :)