Subject: | Inconsistent behaviour for absent directories |
`lib::abs` works diffently with missing directories on different levels.
`lib::abs` does not dies if theere is no first level directory:
bessarabov@b-machine:~$ perl -e "use lib::abs './no_such_dir'"
But it dies if there it try to specify second level directory that is
bessarabov@b-machine:~$ perl -e "use lib::abs './no_such_dir/level2'"
Bad path specification: `./no_such_dir/level2' =>
`/home/bessarabov/no_such_dir/level2' (No such file or directory) at -e
line 1
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at -e line 1.
I'm expecting `lib::abs` to have consistent behaviour and die in both cases.
PS Actually I would very much like a setting that will mangage if `lib::abs`
dies in case of missing dirories. I have a situation when missing
is a normal behaviour.