On Thu Feb 28 15:33:34 2013, exobuzz wrote:
Show quoted text> On Thu Feb 28 15:21:15 2013, johnnyd wrote:
> > Currently two features which I personally find relatively major are
> > unsupported. One is the entire functionality of
> >
> > for things like retrieving page histories (revisions), and another,
> >
> > the log info value value of rcprop.
> > It could just be that I couldn't find this information in the
> > documentation, but trying to retrieve properties results in a crash
> > when the value is called and trying to retrieve log information
Show quoted text> > results in the generic use of undefined variable.
> >
> > I don't know if get_page() has a way to retrieve past revision
Show quoted text> > either, but with support of property queries it can be done without
> > that function on a more manual level
> I don't think you have understood how to use the module.
> MediaWiki::API is a low level interface - it supports all of the API,
> you have to construct the call yourself using the API command.
> get_page is a very simply basic higher level call that uses the API
Show quoted text>
> $self->api( { action => 'query', prop => 'revisions', titles => "Some
> Title", rvprop => 'ids|flags|timestamp|user|comment|size|
content' } ) );
Show quoted text>
> its really just there as a shortcut. If you want an easier to use
> extension that has a higher level interface to the api you could look
Show quoted text
I'm really sorry for wasting your time.
'block' => {
'expiry' =>
'flags' =>
=> '31 hours'
and should be swiftly beaten for not using Data::Dumper sooner. I tried
a few variables to see where it was but obviously didn't try hard
enough, I was thinking more along the lines of $rc->{expiry}. Thanks a
lot for your help and the module in general.