Subject: | Logfile::Radius give not index found on RADIUS file |
I am attemtping to generate a report using the Logfile::Radius modules. The RADIUS log is in CSV format with the following fields.
I get the following error:
No index for Host
at ./ line 20
when I run the following script.
use strict;
use Logfile::Radius;
use Getopt::Long;
my $log;
my $options = { log => \$log };
GetOptions( $options, "log=s" );
die() if ( !defined($log) );
my $logfile = eval {
new Logfile::Radius(
File => $log,
Group => [ 'Framed-IP-Address','User-Name', 'NAS-Port', 'Acct-Delay-Time', 'Acct-Session-Id', 'Acct-Authentic', 'NAS-Identifier', 'NAS-IP-Address', 'Framed-IP-Address', 'Acct-Status-Type' ]
} or die($!);
Group => 'Host',
Sort => 'Records',
Top => 10
I traced the error back to line 126 of Logfile/
Message body not shown because it is not plain text.