Subject: | No documentation of add_job_flow_steps() |
The heart of the functionality we need to actually set up an EMR job
flow is to add steps to it. The documentation says nothing except,
"AddJobFlowSteps adds new steps to a running job flow. Returns 1 on
success." There's no indication whatsoever of the parameters available,
or what the common ones might be.
Amazon's EMR documentation is no help at all. It refers you to the
StepConfig documentation, which has three options: Name;
ActionOnFailure; and HadoopJarStep. The HadoopJarStep parameter assumes
that I'm implementing the step in Java, not Perl.
One hopes there's a standard Java class out there somewhere, to which I
can give a -mapper argument and a -reducer argument, each pointing to my
Perl scripts, but by the time I'm done chasing all that down, my
frustration with this module is getting too high to continue struggling
in this way.
The documentation needs at least a trivial example whereby a step
implemented in Perl is given. A more substantial example would also be