Subject: | Signed with an unpublished key |
$ /opt/perl-5.16.2/bin/cpansign -v
gpg: NOTE: old default options file `/home/slavenr/.gnupg/options' ignored
Executing gpg --verify --batch --no-tty
--keyserver-options=auto-key-retrieve SIGNATURE
gpg: NOTE: old default options file `/home/slavenr/.gnupg/options' ignored
gpg: Signature made Pet 21 Sij 2005 23:55:34 CET using DSA key ID 65D75E1F
gpg: requesting key 65D75E1F from hkp server
gpgkeys: key 69696C2F65D75E1F not found on keyserver
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: Total number processed: 0
gpg: Can't check signature: public key not found
==> BAD/TAMPERED signature detected! <==
Can you upload your key 65D75E1F to a public keyserver, or alternatively
remove the signature file from the distribution?