Subject: | Audio-TagLib-1.62 Patches |
Date: | Thu, 27 Dec 2012 22:00:13 -0800 (PST) |
To: | "bug-Audio-TagLib [...]" <bug-Audio-TagLib [...]> |
From: | Festus Hagen <festushagen2002 [...]> |
Patches for Audio-TagLib-1.62
Diff files are included as 7 attachments due to my use of Yahoo's mail editor and it's wacky ways ...
Please refer to the diff files, a brief explanation of each follows.
1.Makefile .PL - Cleanup.
Unused/Unnecessary code:
-use File::Spec;
-my $devnull = File::Spec->devnull();
-#bail("Please install the taglib C++ library first. \nI need the package that has taglib-config")
-#unless system("taglib-config --version > $devnull") == 0;
The following will fail, TAGLIB_STATIC requires ZLIB, not to mention $Config{} reports 32b Windows as 'MSWin32' so it should never get here.
-elsif ( $Config{'osname'} =~ m{win32}i ) {
- $define = '-DTAGLIB_STATIC';
Unused/Unnecessary code:
- "File::Spec" => 0,
2. META.yml - Cleanup.
Unused/Unnecessary code:
- File::Spec: 0
3. META.json - Cleanup.
Unused/Unnecessary code:
- "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0",
- "File::Spec" : "0"
+ "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0"
4. TagLib.xs - Cleanup.
Unnecessary/Duplicate code:
-#ifdef __MINGW32__
-#ifdef read
-#undef read
-#ifdef write
-#undef write
-#ifdef setbuf
-#undef setbuf
5. t/TagLib_APE_Item.t - Cleanup
Duplicate test:
-use Test::More tests => 15;
+use Test::More tests
=> 14;
-is($i->toString()->toCString(), $value->toCString()) or
- diag("method toString() failed");
6. - A re-write by me as a README, not a private email
re-written into an incorrect readme without authorization or approval.
I personally would never recommend downloading Taglib binaries!
1. There is no OFFICIAL source.
2. Compiler Author and Version incompatibility issues.
7. xs/fileref.xs - Previous patch that got missed.
- char * style = "Average";
+ char average[] = "Average";
+ char * style = average;
Any questions feel free to
fh :
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