On 2012-12-26T18:30:17Z, ETHER wrote:
Show quoted text> After successfully submitting a report, it would be useful to emit the
> URL of the report (or rather, the URL the report will be at, when it
> appears). This should be easily derivable, if it isn't returned by
> Test::Reporter itself directly.
The URL is based on a UUID which is generated at the server end. The
UUIDs are shown in
http://metabase.cpantesters.org/tail/log.txt so
they're clearly calculated at an early stage.
Nothing in the Test::Reporter, Test::Reporter::Transport::Metabase or
Metabase::Client::Simple documentation seems to suggest a way of
obtaining this UUID once the report has been submitted. Turning
Data::Dumper on the Test::Reporter object isn't any help either.
Indeed, checking the Metabase::Client::Simple code, it looks like when
data is submitted to the server, the only part of the HTTP response
that is checked is the status code. The HTTP body (which might contain
the UUID?) is discarded.
I like the idea; a patch for it would be accepted. But I can't see a
clear path forward.