On Wed Dec 12 02:51:19 2012, URI wrote:
Show quoted text> this is a strange module. the true() sub will return 3 different true
> values ('t', 'T' and 'True'). it thinks '#' is
> false but doesn't handle undef or ''. if you pass in no args it returns
> 'True'. under what boolean rules does this make any sense?
> also the author has been very childish and belegerant in his rt
> replies. i expect the same here. his modules are very broken, provide no
> use to anyone but the author and are just cpan clutter. there are also
> duplicate modules with the same code and different namespaces.
The idea behind the different possible parameters is to allow users more
freedom with syntax. So that if they really can't stand writing out the
entire word 'True' that they can just use 't' instead.
Technically, any variable that has at least some values is true in Perl,
or at lesat this is what I've seen so far in my experiences with args,
so it really doesn't matter what the function returns so long as it
returns something.
My apologizes about the rt replies, it was wrong of me to be so
belegerant and childish. My modules are also very new and I'm very new
at this; I would appreciate a some patience and lee-way. A lot of the
modules that I uploaded, if not all of them are currently flagged for
deletion, but CPAN won't delete them till like Saturday, which is
annoying I know. I'm also still trying to get the hang of the
namespaces, and since I learn best by just jumping in and working with
what I'm trying to learn I figured that just putting some moduels on
CPAN would be the best way to [A] learn how to use CPAN and [B] learn
how to write perl modules.