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This queue is for tickets about the Date-Manip CPAN distribution.

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The Basics
Id: 80594
Status: resolved
Priority: 0/
Queue: Date-Manip

Owner: Nobody in particular
Requestors: jralls [...]

Bug Information
Severity: (no value)
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Subject: Date::Manip 6.36 PaxHeaders Makefile.PL breaks build
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 15:58:34 -0700
To: bug-Date-Manip [...]
From: John Ralls <jralls [...]>
Date::Manip 6.36 includes PaxHeaders11917/Makefile.PL containing the following lines: 30 mtime=1351711484.989901958 30 atime=1351711484.995901988 30 ctime=1351711484.989901958 Perl for some reason doesn't like this and the build fails with Bareword found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 1, near "30 mtime" (Missing operator before mtime?) Number found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 2, near "30" (Missing semicolon on previous line?) Bareword found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 2, near "30 atime" (Missing operator before atime?) Number found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 3, near "30" (Missing semicolon on previous line?) Bareword found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 3, near "30 ctime" (Missing operator before ctime?) ERROR from evaluation of /Users/john/.cpan/build/SBECK-DklzIi/Date-Manip-6.36/Makefile.PL: ERROR from evaluation of /Users/john/.cpan/build/SBECK-DklzIi/Date-Manip-6.36/PaxHeaders.11917/Makefile.PL: syntax error at ./Makefile.PL line 1, near "30 mtime" Warning: No success on command[/usr/bin/perl Makefile.PL] Removing the bogus Makefile.PL allows Date::Manip to build successfully. Regards, John Ralls
DateManip 6.36 does not contain a directory named PaxHeaders, so I have no idea where this came from. You have apparently obtained the package from somewhere other than CPAN, and they have apparently included something (no idea what PaxHeaders is) for some purpose of their own. Delete it and go straight to CPAN to get a new copy.
Subject: Re: [ #80594] Date::Manip 6.36 PaxHeaders Makefile.PL breaks build
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 19:19:27 -0700
To: bug-Date-Manip [...]
From: John Ralls <jralls [...]>
On Nov 2, 2012, at 4:26 PM, "Sullivan Beck via RT" <> wrote: Show quoted text
> <URL: > > > DateManip 6.36 does not contain a directory named PaxHeaders, so I have no > idea where this came from. You have apparently obtained the package from > somewhere other than CPAN, and they have apparently included something (no > idea what PaxHeaders is) for some purpose of their own. > > Delete it and go straight to CPAN to get a new copy. >
No, this is from cpan. Yes, there's no PaxHeadersfoo in the tarball. Something's whacked in CPAN's setup: cpan[1]> install Date::Manip CPAN: Storable loaded ok (v2.22) Going to read '/Users/john/.cpan/Metadata' Database was generated on Sat, 03 Nov 2012 01:07:03 GMT Running install for module 'Date::Manip' Running make for S/SB/SBECK/Date-Manip-6.36.tar.gz CPAN: Digest::SHA loaded ok (v5.47) CPAN: Compress::Zlib loaded ok (v2.024) Checksum for /Users/john/.cpan/sources/authors/id/S/SB/SBECK/Date-Manip-6.36.tar.gz ok Scanning cache /Users/john/.cpan/build for sizes ............................................................................DONE DEL(1/1): /Users/john/.cpan/build/SBECK-2pFu6_ CPAN: Archive::Tar loaded ok (v1.54) ./PaxHeaders.11917/Date-Manip-6.36 Date-Manip-6.36/ Date-Manip-6.36/PaxHeaders.11917/lib Date-Manip-6.36/lib/ Date-Manip-6.36/lib/PaxHeaders.11917/Date Date-Manip-6.36/lib/Date/ Date-Manip-6.36/lib/Date/PaxHeaders.11917/Manip.pod Date-Manip-6.36/lib/Date/Manip.pod Date-Manip-6.36/lib/Date/PaxHeaders.11917/ Date-Manip-6.36/lib/Date/ ... Regards, Jophn Ralls
I've never seen this before, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be of any help. I am curious what OS (and version) you're on. I found out a very small amount about pax. It's something to do with posix compliant tar files, but I don't know what exactly is happening that the PAX directory is getting created when you extract that tar file. If you learn anything (or figure out what the problem is), let me konw.
CC: jralls [...]
Subject: Re: [ #80594] Date::Manip 6.36 PaxHeaders Makefile.PL breaks build
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 21:20:03 -0700
To: bug-Date-Manip [...]
From: John Ralls <jralls [...]>
On Nov 2, 2012, at 9:06 PM, "Sullivan Beck via RT" <> wrote: Show quoted text
> <URL: > > > I've never seen this before, so I'm not sure if I'm going to be of any > help. > > I am curious what OS (and version) you're on. > > I found out a very small amount about pax. It's something to do with > posix compliant tar files, but I don't know what exactly is happening that > the PAX directory is getting created when you extract that tar file. > > If you learn anything (or figure out what the problem is), let me konw. >
This is OSX 10.8 in both the original reporter's case and mine. Other packages *appear* to not be affected, but I'll test that more thoroughly and try to understand why it's getting injected. Regards, John Ralls
I'd usually file this as a bug, but it seems relevant here. I'm on OS X Snow Leopard, more details at the end. Package seems to come without Makefile.PL. (The test -f "/Users/leegoddard/.cpan/build/SBECK-ofQZrE/Makefile.PL" returned false.) Writing one on our own (setting NAME to DateManip) Going to build S/SB/SBECK/Date-Manip-6.36.tar.gz Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Warning: prerequisite Test::Inter 0 not found. Bareword found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 1, near "30 mtime" (Missing operator before mtime?) Number found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 2, near "30" (Missing semicolon on previous line?) Bareword found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 2, near "30 atime" (Missing operator before atime?) Number found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 3, near "30" (Missing semicolon on previous line?) Bareword found where operator expected at ./Makefile.PL line 3, near "30 ctime" (Missing operator before ctime?) ERROR from evaluation of /Users/leegoddard/.cpan/build/SBECK-ofQZrE/Date-Manip-6.36/Makefile.PL: ERROR from evaluation of /Users/leegoddard/.cpan/build/SBECK-ofQZrE/Date-Manip-6.36/PaxHeaders.11917/Makefile.PL: syntax error at ./Makefile.PL line 1, near "30 mtime" Warning: No success on command[/opt/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL] SBECK/Date-Manip-6.36.tar.gz /opt/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL -- NOT OK Running make test Make had some problems, won't test Running make install Make had some problems, won't install Failed during this command: SBECK/Date-Manip-6.36.tar.gz : writemakefile NO '/opt/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL' returned status 65280 cpan[2]> Summary of my perl5 (revision 5 version 12 subversion 4) configuration: Platform: osname=darwin, osvers=10.8.0, archname=darwin-thread-multi-2level uname='darwin 10.8.0 darwin kernel version 10.8.0: tue jun 7 16:33:36 pdt 2011; root:xnu-1504.15.3~1release_i386 i386 ' config_args='-D inc_version_list=5.12.3/darwin-thread-multi-2level 5.12.3 5.12.2/darwin-thread-multi-2level 5.12.2 5.12.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level 5.12.1 5.12.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level 5.12.0 -des -Dprefix=/opt/local -Dscriptdir=/opt/local/bin -Dcppflags=-I/opt/local/include -Dccflags=-pipe -O2 -Dldflags=-L/opt/local/lib -Dvendorprefix=/opt/local -Dusemultiplicity=y -Dusethreads -Duseshrplib -D cc=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 -D ld=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 -D man1ext=1pm -D man3ext=3pm -D man1dir=/opt/local/share/man/man1p -D man3dir=/opt/local/share/man/man3p -D sitebin=/opt/local/libexec/perl5.12/sitebin -D siteman1dir=/opt/local/share/perl5.12/siteman/man1 -D siteman3dir=/opt/local/share/perl5.12/siteman/man3 -D vendorbin=/opt/local/libexec/perl5.12 -D vendorman1dir=/opt/local/share/perl5.12/man/man1 -D vendorman3dir=/opt/local/share/perl5.12/man/man3 -D pager=/usr/bin/less -sR -D perlpath=/opt/local/bin/perl5.12 -D startperl=#!/opt/local/bin/perl5.12' hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define useithreads=define, usemultiplicity=define useperlio=define, d_sfio=undef, uselargefiles=define, usesocks=undef use64bitint=define, use64bitall=define, uselongdouble=undef usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef Compiler: cc='/usr/bin/gcc-4.2', ccflags ='-pipe -O2 -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -I/opt/local/include -no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -fstack-protector -I/opt/local/include', optimize='-O3', cppflags='-I/opt/local/include -no-cpp-precomp -pipe -O2 -fno-common -DPERL_DARWIN -I/opt/local/include -no-cpp-precomp -fno-strict-aliasing -fstack-protector -I/opt/local/include' ccversion='', gccversion='4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)', gccosandvers='' intsize=4, longsize=8, ptrsize=8, doublesize=8, byteorder=12345678 d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define, longdblsize=16 ivtype='long', ivsize=8, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t', lseeksize=8 alignbytes=8, prototype=define Linker and Libraries: ld='env MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.6 /usr/bin/gcc-4.2', ldflags ='-L/opt/local/lib -fstack-protector' libpth=/opt/local/lib /usr/lib libs=-lgdbm -ldbm -ldl -lm -lutil -lc perllibs=-ldl -lm -lutil -lc libc=, so=dylib, useshrplib=true, libperl=libperl.dylib gnulibc_version='' Dynamic Linking: dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=bundle, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' ' cccdlflags=' ', lddlflags='-L/opt/local/lib -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -fstack-protector' Characteristics of this binary (from libperl): Compile-time options: MULTIPLICITY PERL_DONT_CREATE_GVSV PERL_IMPLICIT_CONTEXT PERL_MALLOC_WRAP USE_64_BIT_ALL USE_64_BIT_INT USE_ITHREADS USE_LARGE_FILES USE_PERLIO USE_PERL_ATOF USE_REENTRANT_API Built under darwin Compiled at Jun 25 2012 23:37:34 @INC: /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.4/darwin-thread-multi-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.4 /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.12.4/darwin-thread-multi-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.12.4 /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.12.4/darwin-thread-multi-2level /opt/local/lib/perl5/5.12.4 /opt/local/lib/perl5/site_perl /opt/local/lib/perl5/vendor_perl . Lee:trunk leegoddard$
Just to confirm all is fine if I remove all the PaxHeaders reference in the dirs
I'll see if I can find someone here who can let me use an OSX machine for a few hours. I do not have one. I'm not at all sure I'll be able to do anything about this, but I'd like to understand it more. There may be something I can do to workaround this.
CC: jralls [...]
Subject: Re: [ #80594] Date::Manip 6.36 PaxHeaders Makefile.PL breaks build
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 06:33:33 -0800
To: bug-Date-Manip [...]
From: John Ralls <jralls [...]>
On Nov 6, 2012, at 4:18 AM, "Sullivan Beck via RT" <> wrote: Show quoted text
> <URL: > > > I'll see if I can find someone here who can let me use an OSX machine for > a few hours. I do not have one. > > I'm not at all sure I'll be able to do anything about this, but I'd like > to understand it more. There may be something I can do to workaround > this. >
It seems that upgrading CPAN to the latest version and deleting SBECK* from .cpan/build allows "install Date:: Manip" to work. That doesn't explain where PaxHeaders is coming from, but it is a work-around.
Closing ticket since this doesn't appear to be related directly to Date::Manip.
This was just reported to me on both Windows and SunOS, so this is NOT related to OSX. It turns out that the version of tar distributed by my linux distro (OpenSuSE) now defaults to --format=posix instead of the traditional -- format=gnu and this was the cause of the problem. Other CPAN modules are now exhibiting this behavior too, and I don't have a global workaround. In the case of Date::Manip, I'll be explicitly tarring it up with -- format=gnu in the future, and that will fix the problem. This will be fixed in 6.38 which I will release in the next day or so.