Subject: | clone doesn't go deep enough |
The clone method doesn't actually work, because it does a shallow copy
of the object, and the list of rules is stored as an arrayref value. So
the original object and the clone share the same list of rules, and
adding a rule to one also adds it to the other.
Here's a test demonstrating the issue:
Subject: | clone.t |
use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Test::More 0.92;
use Path::Class;
use File::Temp;
use Test::Deep qw/cmp_deeply/;
use File::pushd qw/pushd/;
use lib 't/lib';
use PCNTest;
use Path::Class::Rule;
my @tree = qw(
my $td = make_tree(@tree);
sub test
my ($name, $rule, $expected) = @_;
my @got = sort map { $_->relative($td)->as_foreign("Unix")->stringify } $rule->all($td);
local $Test::Builder::Level = $Test::Builder::Level + 1;
cmp_deeply( \@got, $expected, $name)
or diag explain { got => \@got, expected => $expected };
} # end test
my $ruleA = Path::Class::Rule->new->file;
my $ruleB = $ruleA->new->name("*bb*");
test('new *aa*', $ruleA => [qw/aaaa.txt aaaabbbb.txt/]);
test('new *bb*', $ruleB => [qw/aaaabbbb.txt bbbb.txt/]);
my $ruleA = Path::Class::Rule->new->file;
my $ruleB = $ruleA->clone->name("*bb*");
test('cloned *aa*', $ruleA => [qw/aaaa.txt aaaabbbb.txt/]);
test('cloned *bb*', $ruleB => [qw/aaaabbbb.txt bbbb.txt/]);