Subject: | Encoding of the Subject |
The problem is, 'subject' in cyrillic gets encoded wrong way. To deal
with, I've created (temporary) patch (attached).
This way, Subject must be external-encoded then just flag is passed to
constructor that subject is externally encoded and does not need to be
additinally encoded.
Usage like this:
use Encode;
my $subj = encode('MIME-Q', 'Статус заказа');
my $msg = MIME::Lite::TT::HTML->new(
'From' => ...
, 'To' => ...
, 'DoNotEncodeSubject' => 1
, 'Subject' => $subj,
, 'TimeZone' => 'Europe/Moscow',
, 'Encoding' => '8bit'
, 'Charset' => 'utf8'
Subject: | MIME-Lite-TT-HTML.patch |
< From => '',
< To => '',
< EncodeSubject => 1,
< Subject => 'Subject',
< TimeZone => 'Asia/Shanghai',
< Encoding => 'quoted-printable',
< Template => {
> From => '',
> To => '',
> Subject => 'Subject',
> TimeZone => 'Asia/Shanghai',
> Encoding => 'quoted-printable',
> Template => {
< my $do_not_encode_subject = delete $options->{ DoNotEncodeSubject } || 0;
< Subject => (
< $do_not_encode_subject
< ? delete $options->{ Subject }
< : encode_subject( delete $options->{ Subject }, $charset_input, $charset_output )
< ),
> Subject => encode_subject( delete $options->{ Subject }, $charset_input, $charset_output ),