Subject: | Emacs "Go to Module" fails when module name contains a numeric character. |
Date: | Sun, 23 Sep 2012 15:25:48 -0500 |
To: | bug-Devel-PerlySense [...] |
From: | "Mark A. Flacy" <mflacy [...]> |
In a Perl file referencing a module with a numeric character, such as...
use CommonInstallUtilsV2;
...placing the cursor on "CommonInstallUtilsV2" and pressing C-o g m results
in the messages...
Going to module CommonInstallUtilsV...
Module (CommonInstallUtilsV) source file not found
Looking at perly-sense.el, I see that you are using the [:alpha:] character
class to match module names when you should be using the [:alnum:] character
class to do so.
The ps/find-use-module-section-position and ps/edit-move-use-statement
functions also omit digits as a valid match in a module name.